Rome for the summer (7)

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~Y/n POV~

This first day, like most first days, flew by. I spent most of my time with Draco and 'Mione, although, not at the same time as I don't believe that would end well...

Draco and I work well together in potions, dare I say, even better than Hermione and I work together. Despite the fact that I sat next to the blond in DADA and Charms, I mostly spoke with 'Mione; I'm not sure Draco was thrilled with it, but as I already established, he's a dramatic ferret! Finally, my free period came. I decided to spend my time in the library, and Hermione would've accompanied me if she didn't have a class during my free lesson.

Hence that's where one would find me, at the back of the library, perched on the window sill, with my nose stuck in a book, keeping to myself. Alone, at long last.

Merlin had other plans, as not a moment later, I feel the burn of numerous pairs of eyes to my left, down the aisle of the library. Then, many whispers of protest reached my ears. I had a feeling what was going to happen because the library was surprisingly busy today, with only a few chairs remaining. Luckily for me, as I got here as soon as possible. Not to mention the fact that I was a Slytherin, which meant that many people feared me because of my power. Consequently, I was left alone... Until now. What was most curious to me, was the fact that this group of Slytherins have slithered far from home...

Footsteps echoed down the aisle, I didn't even need to take a glance at whom was making their way towards me, as I already knew. "What, Malfoy?" I questioned absentmindedly, my eyes not leaving the pages of my book.

He scoffed playfully, "C'mon now, that's no way to talk to your future-" the boy stopped, silently interrupted by my harsh glare. "A-ha" he laughed nervously, I tried my hardest not to laugh seeing him so nervous. The Draco Malfoy getting nervous because of me! This. This is the best moment of my life... "I was- well we were- if it's ok with you..." I rolled my eyes at the boy's inability to speak properly.

"Yea, you and your friends can sit here. But you listen to me Malfoy, I come here for peace. Any nose from anyone and you will leave... Am I clear?" I addressed Draco sternly. He mumbled a quiet 'yes ma'am" before scurrying off to inform his group.

Long story short... They acted like a bunch of baboons, with that I left the group, irritated.


After spending my time walking down the long corridors of the ancient stone castle, eventually, it was time for the new class, Life Management and Skills.

The class is located far up the Western Tower, meaning that leaving a few minutes early is the best call. I arrive at an isolated room scattered with comfy sofas and coffee tables. After surveying the classroom, I made my way to the black leather sofa with a rectangular dark wooden coffee table that's positioned at the back of the room. After a minute or so, more and more students began to fill the once desolated room.

A few moments pass when the infamous Slytherin Prince struts in. He takes the space next to me, and sets his belongings on the ground beside his legs. "Hey" he finally greets me.

"Hi" in a monotone voice, I answer sounding unbothered, wishing for this lesson to be over as it's already slaughtering my mood.

Draco lets out a low sigh, "look, I'm... Sorry, for the whole library situation" he looks at me, while my eyes remain glued to the clock hanging above the teacher's desk on the back wall, taunting me.

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