Plant Parents (10)

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~Y/n POV~

Breakfast had soon finished, and so commenced the many gruelling hours of lessons we had to attend to. It was Monday yet again here in Scotland, the pupils could hardly comprehend the thought that an entire week had already gone by at Hogwarts.

I strived to make it through the majority of my lessons that appeared to never cease. Of course, Draco always accompanied me. We spent our lessons working hard while fooling around with one another. Believe me, his laugh could make any potion lesson seem like a Quidditch game: full of elation, full of hilarity. Under his cordial stare, my brain blocks out the surrounding environment; as if it's merely him and I in this God-forsaken world.

Regardless, the end of the day was soon approaching, meaning we had to attend the most dreadful lesson of all: Life Management and Skills. Marvellous. Despite the first lesson being tolerable, I wasn't exactly looking forward to it. Our first assignment was just around the corner and neither I nor Darco were looking forward doing said task.

Draco and I turned the corner, wandering the final stretch to the LMS classroom. We both walked hand in hand, grinning like children when their parents allowed them to have a Chocolate Frog. We giggled and talked about various subjects, switching and altering the topic whenever a new one piqued our interest. We began conversing about potions, and now we are quibbling about which Quidditch team is the greatest... we all know who is correct; Me. Obviously.

After long last, the two of us snatch our seats, mentally preparing ourselves for an hour-long lesson that would feel like a decade. The Ministry Lady waddled into the room, everyone's eyes bore into her, silently wondering one thing... What's with the jungle of plants cramped in her arms?

Over the course of 5 minutes, the slim Ministry Lady had placed every potted plant on her desk. She spun around to finally address the class. "Good morning boys and girls. It's wonderful to see you all today. Today's lesson will be unlike any other lesson you've had. Today marks the beginning of your new assignment." A chorus of groans sang throughout the room, while one distinct cheer sounded from 'Mione.

"This assignment is in three parts..." more fuss could be heard from the students. "Oh please! It's not that bad." The ministry lady began to scold us eighth and seventh years. Draco, who lounged with his legs spread and his left arm resting nonchalantly on the sofa behind me, attempting to act slick about wanting to hold me, scoffed in irritation. In rejoinder, I rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour.

"Your first duty is to care for one of these plants behind me. You have one month. Your plant must be in tip-top shape by this time next month, as I won't be seeing you until and only until this month is up. If you neglect to nurture and maintain this plant, you will fail." With a wave and a tap of her wand, a plant was distributed to each couple and the noise-cancelling bubble wrapped itself around everyone.

Our plant is a vibrant saffron daffodil. I smile warmly at the plant and snatch it up. I snuggle in nearer to Draco, while picking up my legs so that they rest on the sofa. Although I made certain not to shift too close, as I still have a reputation to uphold... also I think Harry is watching...

I started to converse with the flower, as I've read in One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi – by Phyllida Spore, talking to plants benefits them as they breathe in the carbon we breathe out. "Hello, flower. I'm going to call you... Piss. As you're yellow. But don't worry! It's an adorable name, Draco believes so too! So-" just as I was about to chat about myself, a certain blond hinders me.

"What are you doing?" The Malfoy began to chuckle at me in amusement and also because, in his eyes, I looked ridiculous. My eyes shot daggers into Draco as I scowl up at him.

"I read in One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, that talking to plants helps them thrive." He sent me a rather baffled look, so I continued to explain the science behind it, "as you know we humans breathe in oxygen that then enters our lungs, our blood takes it around our body, and what's left is carbon dioxide that we breath out. For plants it's the exact opposite, they breathe in carbon dioxide that they then use to perform a phenomenon we call photosynthesis, along with energy from the sun, water and glucose, they then breathe out oxygen. So when we talk we breathe out the carbon they need to survive!"

I turn back to Draco who stared blankly at me as if I just spoke complete and utter gibberish to him. "Yeah... I didn't understand a thing that you just explained, darling." He chuckled while looking at me fondly. That look in his eyes seemed to confuse and annoy me further.

"What don't you mean you don't understand? Didn't your parents teach you any fundamental science before coming to Hogwarts!" He just continued to stare at me fondly, his head now slightly tilted to the side, causing me to feel slightly flustered, regardless I managed to compose myself.

"Fine! I'll dumb it down for you," to put this simply, he did not take graciously to my words but soon resumed whatever look he was giving me before. "We humans breathe out carbon, that's something the plants require to live. So while we talk, we provide them with the extra thing they need to thrive and survive. It's just like if someone was to throw a bunch of f/f at me!" I giggled at the notion of how absurd it would look if someone began tossing my favourite food at me out of nowhere.

I glanced back at Draco, our bodies both facing each other. The hand that once rested behind me was now toying with my hair, his eyes brimming with love while his other hand clutched onto mine, whilst my hand gripped the side of the plant pot that sat between our bodies. An atmosphere washed over us, sending us into a state of euphoria. We felt safe, we felt loved, we felt... content.

"What?" I giggled out, still perplex by what the blond was doing.

"I adore it when you talk about something you are passionate about, even if it's the dumbest of things" I hit his chest -which was surprisingly hard- and responded with an annoyed sounding 'hey!' Nevertheless, we both laughed it off, our bubble teeming with our shared bliss.


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