Flowers and Vines (9)

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~Draco POV~

In response to the ache rushing through my head, I groan. My palm shoots to my brow, and I groggily touch my forehead as if it were going to help. Why did I drink so much?

Absentmindedly, I turned my head to hear the strong beat of a heart, my body flung back in realisation that... My face was in her chest! Swiftly, I sit up while my cheeks flare up. Regardless, I soon regret making quick movements as the irritation triples.

The flashes of memories appear before me as the activities of last night slowly came back to me. I remember the argument with Blaise, I remember my brain screaming at me to get to her as soon as he confessed those things, I remember her taking care of me, laying with me, reassuring me...

My gaze falls onto the sleeping girl in marvel, thanking to Merlin that I have her in my life. As humiliating as it is to recall how... open, I was the previous night, those words I spoke were as if I had been slipped Veritaserum.

I'm never speaking of that night, ever...

Hesitantly, I slipped from the warmth of the bed and left the safety of Y/n's arms to take a shower. Currently, it's dawn, so I'll give her a moment to rest.

After my brief shower, with nothing but a towel draped over my lower body, I move to wake Y/n up. When I walk in I'm met with Y/n, who had now turned in her sleep, hair sprawled in all different directions, and a tiny line of spit drooling from her mouth. I chuckle to myself and take a seat beside her.

Attentively, I pursue to wake her. Gingerly. Tenderly. Gradually waking her up. "Y/n" I murmured, my voice deeper than usual. "Y/n, love. You need to wake up"

Her eyes flicker open, revealing her enchanting e/c eyes. Grumbles and huffs of annoyance escape her drowsy mouth. To my wonder, her whole mood shifts when her gaze meets mine. The smile that sets fire to my soul spreads sweetly across her gorgeous face. "Morning" she greets me in a quiet voice.

"Morning" tenderly, my hands make their way to her cheeks, and moves a strand of her soft h/c hair and tuck it behind her ear, subconsciously tilting my head to the left while doing so. Lost in the tranquillity, I forgot about the pounding headache, reminding me of last night's events.

A shade of pink dusts her cheeks. In a feeble attempt to mask her obvious flustered state, she lowers her gaze, only to find that I am without a shirt. A smirk found its way to my lips whilst I stare at the girl whose face is as red as Gryffindor's house, her eyes fixated on my abs and torso.

A deep chuckle rumbles from my chest, one hand raises to grasp under Y/n's chin, forcing the girl to look me in my eyes once more. Her pupils are dilated, her eyes sit wide. I feel her throat move as she takes a large gulp as her nerves consume her. My smirk only widens. "shut up" she pouts, causing me to burst into laughter. Her nose scrunches and her eyebrows furrow making my heart flip inside my ribs.

"C'mon, love. You must get up" the slick soft duvet leaves my hands as I rise; with that, we both went our separate ways to get ready for the day.


No thoughts came to mind as I sat in the living room, waiting for Y/n to come down. With my head hung low, my elbows resting on my knees, holding my head in my hands, the pain throbbing viciously in my skull.

The distant tap tap tap of someone's feet walking down the stairs filled my ears. The sound paused for a second; before it became louder. The cold leather fabric dipped and a tender hand wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me into her embrace.

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