Quidditch and Confessions (14)

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~Y/n POV~

Today marked the beginning of the quidditch season here in Hogwarts. The first game was Slytherin versus Ravenclaw. I wore black cargo jeans, with Draco's jersey which was a little too big and had 'MALFOY' in bold silver writing at the back, along with my Slytherin scarf and gloves.

Currently, Draco and I were sat at the Slytherin table accompanied by Draco's friends and teammates; Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott. They were quietly discussing strategies for the game while I happily munched on my favourite breakfast beside Draco. "Make sure you eat your food." I reminded the boys who had neglected to eat after getting into their discussion.

"Yeah, yeah." Draco answered before shoving four pieces of bacon into his mouth, which he shortly regretted. "As I was saying," he continued. Draco's voice fizzled out as I looked over towards the Gryffindor table, where my old friends sat. I'm not sure how I felt. A part of me missed them... but after what Ron had told me I'm not exactly in a rush to make amends...

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"Good luck, my love." I kissed Draco on the cheek as we stood outside the stands. The crowd was chanting away and passion was thick in the air.

"Thank you, beautiful. I'll try to win for you." Draco smiled at me, his cheeks dusted with pink. He sent me a cheeky wink.

"You'll do amazing no matter what happens!" I smiled at him. With him planting a kiss on my forehead we parted ways as he made his way into the changing room. I, on the other hand, made my way to the stands where I found Pansy. "May I sit here?" I asked the black-haired girl.

Surprised, she turned to face me and a small smile made its way to her face. "Of course!" She grinned. "How are you?" She spoke loudly as I sat beside her. The stadium echoed the sound of thousands of different conversations and it made focusing on what one person was saying rather difficult.

"I'm good, thank you! How have you been?" I half yelled back while smiling at the ravenette. Pansy and I continued to talk, well yell, with each other until the game began.

Soon after, a sea of forest green and deep blue coated the field as the players readied up. One by one the snakes and ravens floated up into the air, anticipating the moment Madame Hooch blew her whistle. Despite how far away they were, everyone could sense the pure rivalry and tension lingering in the atmosphere, waiting to snap.

The atmosphere was electrifying! The deafening winds of cheers created by the crowd would be ringing in your ears for days following the match. The ravens fought relentlessly, but ultimately the snakes claimed the victory, 210-170.

Currently, the majority of the Slytherin house (in 7th or 8th year) was crammed into mine and Draco's living quarters. Drinking and sharing waves of laughter throughout the night into the early hours of the morning. I've never felt so at peace as I quietly listened to Blaise and Draco reliving old memories while I sat comfortably in Draco's lap.

"Do you remember in your fist game as a seeker, you fell off your broom and landed on your arse!" Blaise cried in laughter, and I began to giggle at the memory.

"I remember that!" I laughed. Draco huffed and rolled his eyes, making me and Blaise laugh more. Draco's annoyed facade broke when his pout turned into a smirk.

And that's how we spend our night, sharing and reliving embarrassing moments throughout our Hogwarts years. Slowly our room began to empty until Draco and I were left alone. We sat on the floor drinking cider by the fireplace.

"Can I ask you something?" Draco slurred. His eyes were hazy from the alcohol yet he wasn't completely gone, just a bit tipsy.

"Sure!" I replied, also slightly tipsy. I rested my head against in shoulder as his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Who was ur first crush?" He asked with a grin. I laughed and shook my head. With a swig of my drink, I contemplated telling him. After a moment my mind said 'fuck it' and ultimately decided to tell the blond the truth. I'm bound to regret this.

"You." I smirked as Draco spat his drink back into his glass. He smiled as he grabbed my cheeks.

"Really? Tell me you are joking. You have to be lying." He stressed. I smiled and shook my head at Draco as his eyes pierced mine.

"I'm not joking. In first year I saw you on the platform and I thought you were cute. Weeks later I heard about how much of a prick you are and we'll I forced myself to get over you." I giggled. Draco's face fell in shock and I began to ask him if he was okay. He just stared blankly at me, so I forced myself to say more to make up for the stiff silence. "I never got over you, to be honest." I muttered.

"You..." Draco's voice broke. A large gulp could be heated from his throat as he took another sip of his cider. "I never knew."

"No one knew." I smiled. "But hey now you do, and I got you in the end so it's a win in my book." I winked and the blond burst out in laughter.

If only my younger self could see me now, she would have a field day seeing us together like this. I can't believe I'm dating the once stuck-up, narcissistic, egotistical Slytherin Prince. And I can't believe how much he's improved since then.


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