He's Taken

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(Post Heroes of Olympus)

~Vanessa's POV

Being a daughter of Aphrodite made sense when I had finally found out I was a demigod a few weeks ago. I always loved looking good and breaking hearts.

I had been doing it for years, and now? I discovered that was exactly what my mom had been doing as well, but as a goddess- I couldn't believe it.

Life was perfect.

But, since I arrived at Camp Half-Blood a few weeks ago, something's changed.

I didn't want to break another boy's heart. I wanted him to fall in love with me, and stay that way. I wanted that handsome hero. The one with the dark disheveled hair, and those bright sparkly sea-green eyes, underneath his perfect eyebrows (which I was insanely jealous of), and that chiseled jawline too. Gods.

Percy Jackson was perfect.


It was just another Tuesday at the end of August (Percy and his friends had beaten Gaia earlier that summer), and he was taking our sword fighting class before lunch.

The morning sun was bright and hot, Percy was making us work extra hard today. We slashed and stabbed at straw dummies until we were dripping with sweat.

"Good technique Vanessa." Percy grinned as he walked past, in time to watch me decapitate a straw head from its body.

I smiled back, as flirtatiously as a demigod could, while she was sweating more than a hellhound. "Thanks, Percy." I beamed and gave him a wink.

He didn't notice as he walked on to see how the others were doing.

   My friend, Clarisse, one of the more senior demigods was nearby, was practicing her sword moves. She stared at me, amused by my little exchange with Percy.

"He's taken you know." She smirked.

"Huh?" I stopped mid-swing. Clarisse wasn't even a part of the class, she had come down to practice on her own.

She paused herself and sighed. "What I mean girl, is that you're barking up the wrong tree."

I didn't understand, and I let the confusion show on my face.

Clarisse rolled her eyes. "Percy's got a girlfriend."

"What?" I gasped. "No way. I don't believe you."

My handsome prince couldn't have been taken, could he? Even if he was, surely being a daughter of Aphrodite meant I was supposed to use my charm to steal him for myself.

"Uh oh." Clarisse's tone was full of alarm. "Look," she warned, "Vanessa, you're new here. That's why you've never met his girlfriend, and she is very real. She's away at the moment, but she'll be back tonight."

"Hmph." I snorted defiantly. I wanted Percy Jackson for myself. "Tonight will be too late for her then."

Clarisse frowned. "What exactly are you going to do?"

I smiled innocently at the daughter of Ares, just as Percy called the class in. "You'll see."


The horn sounded for dinner. The sun was setting, turning the sky a mixture of gold and bronze, and it was perfect.

I waited outside the Poseidon cabin, wearing jeans and my camp shirt. I had a bit of makeup on, but not too much. I figured Percy wasn't into the extravagant.

Soon enough, the gorgeous son of Poseidon walked out of his cabin. He yawned, rubbing his eyes before he looked up and yelped. "Oh, hey Vanessa."

"Hi, Percy." I smiled as sweetly as I could. Percy had such cute bed hair, though I didn't like his outfit much. Too much blue- with his shirt and jeans the same color. It was fine though, I could dress him up once I made him mine.

I made sure my eyes twinkled playfully. "Did you get my note?"

Percy's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Note?"

"Yeah silly," I rolled my eyes, faking a laugh. "I left it on your desk, did you read it?"

"Oh!" Percy looked pained. "So that was you?"

I nodded, and he started to explain, "look, Vanessa, you're a nice girl but-"

"I love you!" I blurted, before cringing at the words, quickly I cupped my hands over my mouth.

It was going all wrong. Percy was meant to walk out, rush to me and admit he loved me. Not the other way round!

"Uh, yeah. About that..." He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly. "I'm sorry Vanessa, but I've got a girlfriend."

I pouted, knowing I had blown it with my one chance at true love. He didn't feel the same way.

"Look," he approached, placing a hand on my shoulder. His mesmerizing sea-green eyes stared into mine, "you'll find somebody else. Don't worry okay?"

I stayed silent, afraid to speak in case I started to cry. Why didn't Percy fall for me? The note I wrote was heartfelt and honest, I even sprayed it with my perfume. Not to mention I thought being an Aphrodite girl meant I was irresistible with my natural charm.

Percy smiled apologetically. "I love someone else. She's the girl for me." He said before turning away.

And just like that, Percy Jackson was gone.


I spent the evening sulking. After dinner, I headed straight back to my cabin, everyone else was at the campfire for the sing-along, but I wasn't in the mood.

I just didn't understand, who was this girl?

I could tell Percy was telling the truth, he genuinely did love her. But who was she? I didn't know her name, I never met her since I had arrived two weeks ago.

It was heartbreaking, and I hated how she had stolen his heart. He was so loyal, which made him even more perfect. Why couldn't he have been mine? Even when he had rejected my love, it was so sweet and gentle...

  I buried my face in my pillow, willing myself to forget about the evening's events.

But I just couldn't get over him. Those bright eyes, his perfect build, and cute troublemaker smile-


I sat up and found Clarisse standing at the doorway. She didn't look amused, yet when she spoke, her tone was surprisingly gentle. "Campfire's over Vanessa, are you alright?"

I shook my head, forcing a sob down my throat. Clarisse made her way to my bunk and sat down next to me. "Get over him. Prissy isn't worth it, I should have made sure you knew he was taken."

"No." I smiled sadly at my friend. "It's not your fault. I thought he might feel the same way about me, like how I feel about him; maybe I was better than his girlfriend."

Clarisse pursed her lips. "Come on. I have something to show you," she said, and stood up, offering me a hand.

I would have refused, but I doubted she would take no for an answer.

A few minutes later, Clarisse had us camped out behind some bushes, as we stared out at the beach.

The waves lapped against the shore, the water dark as night. It wasn't sinister though, something about it was peaceful and relaxing.

I breathed in the cool night air, "thanks for bringing me here. It's nice."

Clarisse smiled. "Don't thank me yet, I didn't bring you here just for some fresh air."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Look." She pointed forwards. Where, down the beach, near the shore, I spotted two figures, approaching each other.

My heart crept into my throat as I realized who it was. Or rather, who they were. It was Percy, and that other girl was-

"His girlfriend." Clarisse interrupted my thoughts.

I watched as they embraced, and Percy bent down and kissed her. We were only about twenty meters away, so it wasn't hard to tell who was who. And in the dim light, I could make out the girl's face. She was beautiful. And I couldn't handle it.

Her hair was honey blonde, in princess curls that tumbled down her back. She was slim and fairly tall, her face seemed flawless. Her skin was tanned and her smile was enticing.

Somehow, seeing her didn't make me feel better. She was one of those perfect girls, that didn't need a makeover, never wore any makeup, got what she wanted, and worst of all: had Percy Jackson all to herself.

They were still locked together, their foreheads touching as they smiled happily at each other.

"Who even is that girl?" I demanded, tears forming.

"That," Clarisse smiled fondly, "is Annabeth."

I turned to my friend, struggling to say the name. "Annabeth?"

"Yeah, Annabeth Chase." She smirked at me as she said the name. "And she is one hell of a badass."

That took, soooo long. Hope you guys like it! And be sure to check out my contest!

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