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Sally took Paul and Estelle on her book tour, leaving Percy by himself.

So what does he do?

He gets the whole gang together for a mega demigod sleepover to outdo all sleepovers.

Annabeth comes over early to help him set up, there are about 10 solid minutes of:

"Oh my gods, this is so gross Percy!"

"Ewwwww why is your underwear on the floor?"

"Holy Hera the dishes - wait, is there something alive in the sink?"

Then they start making out on the couch. She knows that's the real reason he asked her to come early, and he knows she knows too.

By the time the rest come over, the place is still a mess:

Hazel and Frank brought cake (because why not everyone loves cake).

Piper brought drinks, the alcohol kind.

Leo brings enchiladas, all vegetarian of course "a la Beauty Queen", or so he says. Piper punches him

Will and Nico didn't bring anything, which is why when they shadow traveled they accidentally ended up in Percy's bedroom and were treated with front row seats to the smooch-a-thon.

Will covers his eyes with his hand, Nico shrieks "Get a room you two!"

Watching the movie

Percy always wants to watch finding Nemo or the little mermaid

Everybody groans.

Except for Annabeth, she gave up a long time ago. She reads her book while they watch, she's seen both movies so many times she unwillingly memorized the entire script and subconsciously mouths the lines as it plays.

He's seen it a 1000 times, but he always cries at the end.

Nobody else is crying.

Oh, wait, no there's Frank. He thinks it's sad too, so he and Percy huddle together on the couch sniffling

Nico threatens to kill himself out of boredom halfway through.

Piper and Leo encourage him to do it, they just want some drama.

Hazel protests, Will confiscates Nico's sword.

Eating the snacks

Leo serves up his enchiladas.

Extra extra spicy - just how he likes it, and just how nobody else likes it.

It sends everyone into a coughing fit, and to the bathroom.

Nico, Will, Hazel, and Frank all take turns washing their mouths out, until Percy can't stand it anymore - the chili went down his throat, he screams and all the sinks explode, they're all angry and wet apart from him.

Piper's hysterical, she gave Leo the idea to make them extra spicy.

But they're both super confused about Annabeth. She's still reading her book, completely unaffected, munching on her third enchilada.

Turning the funk on

The movie ends, the party starts.

Piper blasts 80s music out the stereo, everybody's dancing and singing along.

Nobody can keep up with Nico, turns out he's a demon on the dance floor and not just in the underworld.

Leo calls himself McSchizzle and he tries a backflip, he ends up with his face on the floor and a broken nose.

Drinking the happy juice

They'd all been drinking a bit during the movie, and now everyone's on a buzz

But Piper is really really drunk.

She starts telling Annabeth how pretty she is, and how if she wasn't straight Piper would totally ask her out.

Percy gets jealous, he's also kinda drunk, so he starts telling Annabeth she's sooooo beautiful.

It gets competitive, and Piper and Percy start scream-flirting over the music, Annabeth is horrified and stuck right in-between them.

Everyone stops dancing, there's now a competition of who's the best flirt

The rest judge Percy and Piper's pick-up lines, based on Annabeth's reaction.

Piper wins in the end:

she runs her hand up Annabeth's thigh, bites her bottom lip, stares into her grey eyes, and says "Are you an architecture book? Because I'd love to get right up in you and take this from concept to development"

Annabeth's eyes go wide, her mouth hangs open and she blushes like crazy.

Everyone goes berserk.

Brushing the teeth

Percy enters the bathroom, with Hazel and Leo still inside brushing their teeth.

He picks up the same toothbrush that Annabeth had used and starts brushing.

Hazel's eyes go wide, and Leo starts to say "uh Perce, that's Annabeth's"

Percy turns, "Yeah so? I share everything"

Piper walks by just at that moment, she overheard the conversation and pops her head in, smirking "Yeah Percy even shares his girlfriend."

Leo and Piper high-five.

Hazel chokes on her toothpaste.

Fighting the pillows

There's a huge pillow fight before everyone settles down.

It's Nico, Hazel, Frank, and Will against the other four.

Frank just turns into a chameleon every time Annabeth takes a swing at him.

Will wrestles with Leo for the bolster, but they both end up on the floor.

Percy gets revenge on Piper, even though they're on the same team, he double whammies her in the face with two pillows.

Nico nails Leo right in the face, real hard, and knocks him out cold.

They call it a night after that.

Telling the ghost stories

Nico shares stories he's heard from the dead in the underworld.

It creeps everyone out, except for Annabeth.

She starts critiquing his story, finding every small detail that doesn't make sense:

"Why didn't the guy just wake her up" or "She could've gone to the police" or "Vampires can't be in broad daylight"

It ends when Nico gets pissed off and just growls "Fine."

Getting the shut-eye

Hazel hates the pillows - they aren't soft enough, they aren't warm.

Frank turns into a dog so Hazel can rest her head on his tummy.

Piper leaves Leo on the couch in the living room, he's mumbling in his sleep about how he left the furnace on in Bunker 9.

She hopes he's dreaming.

Nico refuses to sleep on an air mattress, he says it's too lumpy.

He stops complaining when Will whips out his favorite travel pillow

Percy uses Annabeth's arm as his pillow. Five minutes in and he's already drooling, and she's lost all feeling in her left hand

Having the nightmares

Will has a nightmare and starts glowing.

It's so bright that everyone wakes up. He gets teased about it, but he can't stop it. Everyone laughs.

But he has the last laugh when they all wake up the next morning with the worst sunburns.

OK, this is a new style of writing I am toying with, so tell me if there are any mistakes, and tell me what you think!

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