Goode High School

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Annabeth POV

I woke up to the sound of my Step-Mother yelling for me to get up.

I sat up in bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the calendar near my door. Today was the day! I got out of bed, throwing the covers off of me. I got dressed and grabbed my brush, sticking it into my bag. I ran into the bathroom I shared with my brothers across from my room, used it, and washed my face. After I finished, I brushed my teeth and went back to my room, checking to make sure that I had what I needed for school.

My first day of school at Goode High.

At Percy's school.

I squealed a little bit thinking about it. Grabbing my bag, I ran down the steps, telling Helen a quick "Bye! I'll eat at school!" And running to get to my bus stop on time. Luckily, I got there as two other kids were getting on. I boarded immediately after them. As I said, it's my first day going to Goode High, meaning I knew absolutely no one. There were a couple of seats open near the front of the bus. The bus started moving so I just sat in a random seat. Taking off my bag, I pulled my brush out of the side pocket and tried to catch my breath.


I jumped slightly, my hand going to my waist where I had hidden my dagger. Then I realized three things; one, I was on a school bus. Two, my dagger couldn't hurt anyone, it was celestial bronze and everyone was mortal (at least that's what I thought). And three, the voice came from next to me.

"Oh! Hey, sorry you startled me," I told the girl I had sat next to. The girl laughed. She had thick-framed, black glasses. Her dark hair was in twin braids over her shoulders and she was wearing a dark red sweatshirt zipped to the top with jeans and cowboy boots. When she smiled, I could see her braces. 

"Yeah, I have that effect. My name is Brooklyn," the girl said, smiling shyly.

"Annabeth," I reached my hand to hers, a handshake.

"Did you run out of time this morning?" Brooklyn asked after a considerable amount of silence, gesturing to the brush in my hand.

I let out a light laugh. "Yeah, sorta. I get ready in about ten minutes." Brooklyn looked slightly shocked. "Every morning. I stay up later than I probably should."

"Like one?"

"More like six, but I have a reason! I was working on an English paper."

"How long was it?"

I thought about it a little bit. "Six pages, handwritten."

"Wow. That's quite some paper for you being new here." I put my brush back into my bag, which was resting at my feet.

"Yeah. It doesn't- wait, how did you know I was new here?" I asked looking at her closely. She had blue eyes. Like really blue. So blue they were almost purple.

"I sit at the front of the bus. I'm the first stop every morning. I notice things," Brooklyn said, sitting up straighter and adjusting her glasses.

I laughed again. "Yeah, yeah I get it," I told her, pulling my hair into a ponytail, before realizing that I would have to dig around in my bag to find my ponytail holders. As I peeked into my bag, shifting around the various things in the front pocket, Brooklyn told me about herself, which I thought was nice. I found out that she was a sophomore (10th grade, about 15/16). I told her that I was a senior (17), and that's how our conversation went for a couple of minutes.

"Will you sit with me after school? I don't usually get to sit with anyone," Brooklyn said.

"Yeah, definitely. I liked this." Brooklyn let out a sigh of relief when I answered.

"I liked this too. Friends?"


... Time skip to after the bus ride is over...

"Name?" The school secretary asked me.

"Annabeth Chase."



The secretary typed a couple of things into her computer. The printer behind her started to whir. A piece of paper came out and the lady looked it over before handing it to me.

"Have a Goode second semester." Huh. I didn't realize I had come in at the start of the second semester, though it was after Christmas break, so I suppose I shouldn't have been too surprised.

"Is there anyone to show me around?"

"Yes! I almost forgot. Oh look, here he comes now," The secretary answered.

"Mrs. Johnson? You wanted to see me?" The boy said. He was a little bit taller than me, with light hair left long, passed his ears, and a letterman's jacket. (Like what you see athletes wear in American movies). He was handsome, I guess, in a Hollywood football player sort of way. Percy was hotter than him though.

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