Love you forever.

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Warning: Contains mature content. Don't like, don't read.

He kissed the soft spot behind her ear, peppering soft kisses down the length of her jaw and around her face, purposely not kissing her lips. He was saving that for later. She groaned in a mixture of satisfaction and frustration.

They were on their bed, Percy on top of Annabeth, him covering her face in kisses, most of his weight on his elbows as to not crush his fiance, though it was hard not to when she had her arms looped around his neck, pulling him closer, and one of her legs wrapped around his waist and the other tangled somewhere in the sheets.

heir shirts had come off a while ago, and Percy would be lying if he said he didn't want to take off the rest of their clothes. He knew that Annabeth would never let that happen, but that didn't stop him from imagining her without her bra on. Why did she always have to wear a bra? Probably because she knew that he wanted it off. She was mean like that.

Annabeth had gotten tired of Percy teasing her with the kisses around her face, and no matter how much she liked them didn't mean that she was going to let the teasing commence anymore. She pulled his head closer to her face and kissed him, hard and passionate, allowing his tongue into her mouth, and undeniably one of the best kisses she's had with him.

Annabeth flipped them over so that she was on top of Percy, not once breaking the kiss. Her tongue was brushing his teeth better than he had all day, and Percy was not someone to skip out on oral hygiene. Annabeth's knees squeezed his hips, her hands tight against the back of his head, not wanting him to let go. His hands fiddled with the clasp of her bra, almost unhooking it a couple times, which seemed to be his ultimate goal.

The kiss broke right as her bra was unclasped, the back straps falling to her sides, leaving only the shoulder straps holding her bra up, and the both of them panting from such a long and heated kiss. Annabeth rested her forehead on Percy's, and her elbows next to his face, realizing how sweaty the two of them had become.

"Are we going to do this?" Percy asked, his voice low and soft, his hands still where her bra clasp was.

"I don't know, are we?" Annabeth questioned, her eyes boring into Percy's, trying to figure out what he had in mind.

"Do you want to?" His thumbs traced light lines on her back, making her shiver involuntarily.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I asked you first."

"As soon as my bra comes off, there's no going back."

"On top?"

"Yes, Percy. We aren't ready for bottom yet."

"But do you want to?"

"Yes. Do you?" Annabeth's voice was low as she placed her lips on the soft spot behind his ear sucking on it lightly.

"Yeah. I mean, I doubt I could say no," Percy said, only half stumbling over his words.

"Good," Annabeth said, sitting up, resting some of her weight on his upper thighs. "Because I've been ready to take off my bra for the past month."

And with that, she took her bra off completely, leaving Percy to oogle at her chest for a solid minute before going back to sucking on his neck, moving her lips along it slow but often, not wanting to give him a hickey. She could hear his breath catch every so often, as he tentatively touched her breasts.

She was kissing his face now, just as he had with her, though she moved slower than he did, not because she couldn't go as fast, but because she liked how much he squirmed. His hands crawled up her sides and back, before pulling her directly on top of him, earning him a moan from Annabeth. His hands traced up and down her back, mostly resting near her hips and lower back. Annabeth ran her hands across his shoulders a couple times, squeezing as she went.

Percy could feel Annabeth on top of him, her breathing pattern, her stomach, and the new additions of her breasts on his chest. He felt her shift backward, her mouth leaving a line of kisses down to his collar bone and across the span of his shoulders. He didn't know what to do with his hands when she kissed him like this, so he put his hands into her hair, pulling and tangling it. Most of it fell onto his face and chest, but he preferred it better that way anyway.

He took hold of her shoulders, and wrapped his legs around hers, flipping them over.

"You really should tell me you're going to flip me over before you do it, you know," Annabeth complained. She liked being on top of him.


He kissed down the other side of her jaw this time, though instead of going around her face like the last time, he kept going, all the way down her chest and to her breasts, sucking on the skin as she went. He knew that no one would be able to see a hickey on her chest, so he went all out, earning a couple moans of satisfaction from her.

Annabeth sat up slowly, giving Percy time to adjust. He stopped kissing her breasts and started kissing her mouth, knowing exactly what she wanted him to do. They unwrapped their legs, from each other, Annabeth wrapping hers around his torso, pulling herself into his lap as he brought his legs out in front of him and under Annabeth. They broke apart for only a second to catch their breath before going at it again. Percy picked Annabeth up by her hips, got off the bed, and pressed her against the wall.

"I love you," Annabeth said in-between kisses.

"I love you too," Percy repeated back to her. It was an affirmation for the both of them, knowing that someone loved them back. Annabeth seemed to have sensed that Percy would be getting tired from carrying her, and unwrapped her legs, one at a time, from around his hip, standing on the floor in front of him. Her fingers found their way to the belt loops of his pants, hooking on to them, reaching underneath his waistband and touching the skin at his hips, as he kissed her like it was the last thing he was going to do, hard and fast, the pure force if it shoving her against the wall, even more, her hands coming up to his shoulders.


Annabeth woke up with a start. She noticed three things right off the bat. First; she wasn't wearing a shirt or bra, but she was wearing pajama shorts and underwear. Second; Percy was spooning her, his arm around her bare chest. Third; Percy was also shirtless, and she could tell because their skin was starting to stick together, and she was sweaty even though they weren't covered by a blanket.

She recollected the events of last night. It definitely happened, clearly evidences by her missing clothing and stinging lips. She turned over to face Percy, snuggling into his chest for warmth.

"Hey," Percy said, his voice low and very seductive at this hour with Annabeth's current mood.

"Hey. Can we not be awake right now?" Annabeth asked, her voice low and groggy.

Percy let out a light laugh. "Yeah, we can not be awake right now."

With that, she snuggled closer to him and fell asleep.


When Annabeth woke up again, she was covered by a thick blanket, and Percy was gone. She sat up, wiping her eyes with her hand. There was a knock on the door, and Annabeth quickly covered herself with the blanket.

"Annabeth- oh good, your awake," Percy greeted. He had gotten dressed, wearing a shirt that made her lose her mind every time that she saw him in it, and pajama pants. He opened up a dresser drawer and pulled out one of his old tee shirts, tossing it to Annabeth.

 "Put that on, please, and thank you. Mom and Paul got here for weekly coffee like twenty minutes ago."

"Did they see anything?" Annabeth asked, slipping the shirt over her head.

"Nah, they called right before they came over. I'm surprised that you didn't wake up from the ringtone."

"Make me some coffee? I'll be out in a few minutes."

"Alright, don't keep us waiting." Percy teased. She threw a sock at him, but they were both smiling.

Percy left the room, closing the door on his way out, and Annabeth stood up, stretching out her back and arms. She put on a more appropriate pair of pants and tied her hair up into a ponytail. She went into the bathroom, attached by a thin door to her and Percy's room, and washed her face. Declaring herself presentable, she left the bathroom and walked out to the kitchen, where she could hear Percy talking to his parents, most likely at the table. The coffee maker was running, and the fan above the stove was on.

"Annabeth! Come sit, come sit!" Sally told her, patting the chair next to her. Annabeth complied, and Percy set a mug of her coffee in front of her, kissing her forehead as she said a word of thanks and pulling out a chair opposite Annabeth.

"So, I hear the two of you are engaged?" Paul asked, taking a sip of his coffee. Sally squealed.

"Let me see the ring!" Annabeth showed Sally her left hand, sitting on her forefinger was a silver band with three small stones on it. One a light green, one gray, and one an emerald green between the two.

After Sally had finished gawking at the ring and practically planning the wedding herself, Paul reminded her that they had to get going if they wanted to be on time to Sally's next meeting.

How, was it? Comment here if you think I should write another.

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