Questions, Answers.

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(Post Heroes of Olympus)

3rd Person POV~

"Hiya guys! Welcome to our weekly Q&A at Camp Half-Blood, where we interview your favorite greek demigods. I'm Hayley and I hope you like what we have in store for you today..."

Hayley's face lights up with excitement as she pauses for the big reveal,

"...Percy and Annabeth!"

Huge applause erupts at the mention of the demigods' names, with a few whistles and screams to go with it.

"Sit back, and enjoy the show, guys!"



What's my favorite moment?

She sits back in her chair, thinking hard.

Annabeth: (frowning)


Eventually, she smiles and crosses her arms, confident of her answer.


Definitely the time Percy was trying to tell me he liked me. I mean, I knew he did by then... but it was special coming out of his mouth you know?

She seems content with her answer for a few seconds...

"Well that's lovely to hear Annabeth, and it's easy to see how that would be a very special moment-"


Wait no... actually, maybe yes...

Her eyebrows scrunch together.


Nope, that's not it...

Annabeth: (back to frowning)

I'd say my favorite moment is the bit after that when we're underwater and it's just the two of us...

She trails off, lost in thought.

Hayley shifts in her seat,

"So is that your answer?"


Huh? Yeah, yeah that's my answer...


Gods I haven't thought about that in a while...

The daughter of Athena blushes at the memory, before realizing she's still on camera.

Annabeth: (hurriedly making a cut-scene gesture)

Hold up, um... can we do that again?

My favorite moment isn't the kiss, it's that time I-


"What's your worst fear?"


Easy, losing Annabeth.

"What's your idea of the perfect date?"


Hmm... I mean yeah it's crossed my mind before. I reckon my idea of the perfect date would be Annabeth and I holding hands walking along the beach...

"Is that it?"


Well, no... uh, we watch the sunset... and just sit there, talking...


And we'll have a picnic as well and we fall asleep under the stars.

Percy (leaning forward, frowning):

Huh now that I think about it, we haven't actually done something like that before... we should...

"That sounds beautiful Percy, I'm sure Annabeth would really like that. Now, onto our next question..."


Annabeth (approaching the end of her very, very long answer):

... and that is why I knew I had to agree to re-design Mount Olympus.

Hayley, who had dozed off partway through, suddenly snaps awake,

"Righto'! Thank you so much for that extremely well-detailed explanation Annabeth-"

Annabeth (beaming):

No problem! Actually, I wanted to thank you for allowing me the chance to talk about all this.

"uh yes... your welcome!"

Hayley forces a smile, glancing at her watch.

"Well, I think that about wraps it up for us, thank you so so much for your time-"


Wait! Can I have one more question?

"I'm afraid not Miss Chase, we still need to interview your boyfriend after this..."

Annabeth: (pouting, her grey eyes pleading)


Hayley sighs,

"Okay, I guess we have time for one more. But a short one, alright?"

Annabeth: (grinning)

Yes! Thank you so much!

(shakes her head excitedly)

I'm so ready for this...

The daughter of Athena pauses for a second.


Ooh, and can you make it a hard one?

"Sure! Let's see..."

Hayley browses through her stack of questions before her eyes linger on one in particular, she looks back up at Annabeth,

"Are you sure you want a hard one?"

Annabeth: (scoffs in disbelief)

Uh, yes of course!

"Okay then, here goes..."

Hayley separates the sheet from the pile and takes a breath,

"If you had to say, what is Percy's best quality?"



She plays with her camp necklace, looking down at the ground, suddenly not so keen to answer.


Can I have a different question?



Obviously, I'd prefer having Frank's powers!

"Well, Percy-"

Percy: (stretches out in his chair)

Man, these questions are easy! Go on, give me a hard one. I feel like I haven't been challenged yet.

"Are you sure? Because we do have a series of questions here-"


Let's do it!

"-which we were going to avoid. But, if you want to... shall we go through them?"

Percy: (shrugs)

Yeah sure. How hard can they be?

"Okay... so first up is..."

There's a slight pause as Hayley reshuffles her notes.

"What's your favorite food?"

Percy: (stroking his chin, uncharacteristically serious)

Ooohhh, hmm... that's a tricky one.

I mean if we're talking about breakfast food, it's gotta be blueberry pancakes...


Nah, but I reckon it's between pizza and cheeseburgers.

"But if you-"


Wait! I forgot to mention jellybeans! Not all the flavors though, and let's be honest, color does play a part.

It's silent for a bit as Percy opened his mouth to speak again, but decided against it.

Percy: (slightly embarrassed)

Oh uh... sorry about interrupting... I got a bit carried away there...


There was just so much I needed to say you know?

"That's perfectly alright Percy. I'm glad you've been so engaged!"

"Anyways, back to business. The next question would be..."

"what if you could only pick one?"


Pick one, what? Food?


Percy (rubbing his temples):

Huh. I think I gotta go with cheeseburgers?

No, wait... But that means no more pancakes...

There's a clear silence as Percy suffers from a heavy bout of indecision.

Percy (cursing under his breath):

Styx this is hard...

Hayley clears her throat,

"Um, have you arrived at an answer?"


Hmm? Uhhh...

"About your favorite food?"


Oh right yeah, sorry. Totally zoned out there.

(sighs heavily)

Yeah... I think I'll go with the cheeseburgers.

"That's great Percy!"

Percy beams as if he'd just won the lottery.

"Anyway, we're so grateful you've stuck with us this far and entertained so many of our questions."

Percy: (looking even more pleased)

Don't sweat it, it's been a piece of cake really...

"Well, we hate to put you through this again, but it's time for the ultimate question: Cheeseburgers..."

The son of Poseidon leans forward.

"... or Annabeth?"


Easy. Cheeseburgers!

Hayley stares at him.

Percy (chuckling):

Nah, I'm kidding. Gods, obviously I'm gonna say, Ann...

He trails off, as the reality of the ultimatum hits him.

Suddenly Percy's easygoing smile disappears.


Wait, why can't I have both?

(suddenly upset)

I mean, come on... One of my favorite things to do is get cheeseburgers with Annabeth. I wouldn't want to not eat cheeseburgers right?

"But if you could only choose one?"

Percy: (sighs)

Well, it's a close one but if I'm being completely honest, it must be Ann... Anna...


Ann... Wise Gi... Umm I mean Annab-


Percy (squirming):

Yeah. But the cheeseburgers though...

"Do you want to change your answer?"


No! I mean...maybe?


But it's gotta be a no, surely.

Percy: (staring upwards)

It's just... I can't imagine not being able to eat another- gahhhhhh... this is so hard...

All of a sudden, Percy Jackson stares directly at the camera.

Percy: (looking guilty)

Hold on a sec...

she isn't gonna watch this right?

Andddd. Cut! Hope you guys liked that one!

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