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━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━

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━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━

Y/n stared into Skulls purple eyes. Y/n just loves the shade of purple.

"Say Skull~ wasn't it this girl you were staring at outside?" Skull glared at Aloha, while Aloha had an innocent smile.

Skull sighed and looked at y/n "sorry about him, he's just not okay in his mind" "hey!-" 

Skull raised his hand for a shake, "I'm Skull Kuro, hopefully we can be friends" Y/n smiled and shook Skulls hands. Skull's eyes softened as he felt y/n's soft, small hand.

"I'm Army Valster and this is Mask Torao, again, very sorry about how Aloha acts" Aloha pouted and slumped onto his chair, this time he actually sat right on the chair.

"What did I do? At least I don't scare inklings away like Mask!" "Oh yeahh? well at least I don't go up in front of girls like some weirdooo"

Aloha and Mask gave insults back and forth, both getting attention form other tables.

Y/n sat there awkwardly. She simply slipped out of her seat and grabbed her stuff, then threw her trash away, along with putting her empty tea cup on the tray of other tea cups. She left the cafeteria unnoticed- well, Vintage had an eye on y/n while she left.

He sipped on his tea while he saw y/n leave, then looked at the s4, realizing Skull had an eye on HIM. They both glared at each other, probably thinking the same thing.

Skull then turned his head as Vintage got up from his seat, throwing away his trash and leaving the cafeteria with his team.

━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━

Y/n walked up the dark wooden stairs, taking her time.

She thought of what she just experienced, no doubt some bitch is probably going to hold a grudge on y/n. While she walked up the stairs, she didn't pay quite attention to the inklings behind her, she was only in her thoughts. One inkling past her while y/ns head was down, then stopped when she saw shoes on the next step. She looked up and her eyes widened.

That one kid with the bowl cut was back, he didn't look angry or happy. y/n was going to go around him when suddenly a girl with messily chopped tentacles came from the side, another girl with pigtails also going to y/n's side.

Y/n backed up when suddenly her back met with someone. she backed away a bit from the person and saw he had some spiked up hair. What y/n could tell is that all of them had the same tentacle color.

Y/n gulped and looked back at the familiar male.

"Can I help you...?" The male stepped one stair and tilted y/n's face with his index finger. He hummed as he took a good look at y/n.

"So, your new here?" jesus christ why does everyone have to ask if they never saw me, y/n thought. y/n nodded and took the guys hand off her. 

"So Vintage, what are we gunna do with her?!" the girl with pigtails smiled mischievously and looking at y/n. Y/n stepped back a bit, but she somehow forgot she was on stairs. She gasped as her foot didn't hit ground, then stumbled down the stairs, somehow still standing.

Vintage saw how the cute girl was falling, so he tried to reach for her, but he was too late.

Some one behind y/n then pulled her, leaving y/n on their chest.

"What are you doing Vintage?" y/n looked up and saw a lime green kid with dark skin. His muscular arms lifted up y/n to her feet, leaving y/n into a blushing mess.

The aqua blue kid tched and turned around, walking up stairs along with his team mates.

Y/n turned around and saw the kid who saved her. He was quite hot. He had a leather jacket on top of a sweater vest and a blouse, boots to finish off the look.

Y/n bowed down, "Thank you for saving me!" she was too embarrassed to see the dude in the eyes.

The dude shoved his hands in his pocket and sighed "It's fine, don't go around those kids, they'll be a living hell for you.". The kid then tilted y/ns head up to see her eyes.

He looked deeply into y/n's eyes. 

How cute...

"Name's Rider, doll"

━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━

WORDS: 769

━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━

━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━

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