Chapter 15

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After a little bit harry and I had gotten out of the water and were walking back to the car.

"That was fun." Harry commented.

"Pffft, no. I'd rather be at home cuddling with Sir Bob where it's warm."

"Sir Bob?" Harry questioned.

"He's my giant teddy bear." Harry had mumbled an 'of course'.

We got to the car and dried off before throwing our clothes over our swim suits and getting in to the car. I turned on the heater and prepared for our journey back.

We got back to the house and after Harry put the stuff away we met in the kitchen to make hot cocoa.

We sat in the living room ad we heard the door open, we had assumed it was the boys.

"The gang is back together!" Louis ran and jumped on top of Harry. He was smart enough to put his drink down before hand. Next thing I know the others are jumping on top of them. With all my strength I put my feet on Liam's back and pushed causing them to fall off the couch and onto the floor. I could hear moans of pain echoing. I laid on the couch laughing.

"Not funny, Riley." Niall scowled at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"So what did you guys do today, you were all alone..." Louis trailed off with a sinister smirk. Harry's cheeks flared pink and I sent a death stare Louis' way.

"It's top secret." I replied.

"They must've if that's the answer." Liam smirked.

"Ha ha very funny." I said sarcastically.

"I know they didn't, because Riley is obviously attracted to me." Zayn said in a pompous voice. I punched his shoulder and he retorted with an 'ow'.

"Now if you excuse me, I must finish my hot chocolate before it gets cold. Like Niall's heart." I smirked.

"Hurtful!" Niall exclaimed, putting his hand where his heart is.

"I demand You to make me some right now." Liam said using his daddy direction voice.

"Ha!" I snorted.

"I will." Harry volunteered. The other boys all asked for some as well.

An awkward silence laid over the room. We all just looked at each other to see who would break the silence first. It was almost a competition now. I stared at Louis expecting him to break first.

Out of nowhere Harry burst into the living room with a marshmallow gun and a huge smirk on his face.

"FIRE!" Harry started firing the gun at us. Niall got underneath the coffee table, Zayn and Liam pushed the couch from the wall and fell behind it Louis panicked and Harry's assault was now focused on him.

"Harry!" Lou exclaimed right as a marshmallow hit him in the eye.

"I've been hit!" Louis flailed before falling to the ground.

"Not the sass master from Doncaster!" I exclaimed from my spot behind some couch cushions. Zayn jumped out from behind the couch and Went over to louis.

"Don't die on me!" He yelled before slapping louis. I laughed. Niall screamed and we looked to see him being pelted with the little terrors. He got out from underneath. He was laughing really hard.

"ATTACK!" I yelled and jumped on to Zayn's back. "FORWARD MY TRUSTY STEED!" Liam jumped out and the other two followed as we ran towards Harry.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" We pounced on Harry.

"HOW DARE YOU WASTE PERFECTLY GOOD MARSHMALLOWS! YOU SHALL DIE!" I yelled as I hit him with a pillow. We could hear Harry yelling ow in between laughs.

"It hurts!" He yelled but he was ignored.

"Have you learned your lesson?" Liam asked.

"Yes!" Harry exclaimed breathlessly.

We stopped trying to attack him and were just laying on top of him.

"Uhm, Kind of running out of oxygen here." I wheezed. I had 2/5 on top of me. We all rolled off of him and sat there laughing.

"That was great." Liam said. We all agreed.

"I think I can say this and all of us will agree, Harry has to clean up." I looked at Harry sinisterly.

"Yes!" They exclaimed in unison. We all stood up and looked at the mess.

"Good luck, Hazza." Louis put a hand on Harry's shoulder.

We all left the area so we wouldn't be dragged into cleaning up also.

"You guys suck!" Harry yelled.

"You're the one who did it!"

A/N Sorry it's been so long :(

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