Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Fun Dip

Riley's P.O.V.

I walked down the stairs into the living room. The boys and dad were watching a really girly movie. "Hey girls" I said all groggy. "Hey! This movie was Simon's idea!" Louis exclaimed.

Dad rolled his eyes. I walked over to zayn and jumped on his lap. "What are you doing? " he asked. "Sitting" "But why on me and not on the empty seat?" he questioned.

"Are you saying you don't love me anymore?" I said fake crying. "No, I just want to know why you are on my lap" he said. "Payback" I say bluntly. He gave me a questioning look and I rolled my eyes.

"Yesterday you sat on me" I explain. "Oh, that's right. I did sit on you" he smirked. "Get off of me! You are sick!" he suddenly exclaimed.

"Wait, when did you get sick?" dad asked. "Yesterday, But I blame Harry because he touched me and he has cooties" I say. "Hey! Cooties aren't real!" he exclaimed.

"It's not my fault you have cooties, And just because you don't want cooties doesn't mean you can go around saying you don't have them" I say. He rolled his eyes. "Riley, get off of me" Zayn demanded. "No" I argue. "Right no-" I sneezed on him.

"EW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zayn yelled. "GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" every one yelled. I just laughed. Zayn pushed me off of him and I fell on the floor still laughing.

"RILEY!!!!!!!" Zayn yelled. I just laughed harder. "I BETTER NOT GET SICK" Zayn yelled. "Can't guarantee anything" I shrug. He groaned. "I'm gonna go wash my face now!" Zayn exclaimed.

I get up and skip to my room. I take a shower and get dressed. I grab my skateboard and head down stairs. "DAD! IM GOING OUT!" I yell.

I go outside and text Hunter. I asked if he wanted to hang out. He said yes. I go down to the fruit stand on the corner and wait for Hunter.

"Do you want to buy some fruit" the guy behind the stand asked. "Ummmmmmmmmmm, does it have chocolate in it?" I ask. "No" he replied questioningly. "Then I don't want it" I say.

Hunter appeared shortly and we rode are skateboards to a smoothie shop. "Aren't you still sick?" Hunter asked me as we stood in line. "Yeah, but I'm feeling better" I say.

"Well that's good. I don't want to get sick" he smirked. I punched his shoulder. "Ow" he mumbled. We ordered our smoothies, mine being mango and Hunter's being orange.

We wait in silence, me tapping my fingers on the counter. After like five minutes they finally gave us our drinks.

We rode to the park and by the time we got there, I was half way through my smoothie. Hunter had a little more than half. I picked up my skate board and ran across the soft grass towards the playground.

Nobody was here which made it ten times better. I dropped my board when I got to the metal stairs and raced up them. I reached the top and smirked.

"I AM THE ALMIGHTY CANDY QUEEN! BOW DOWN TO ME PESANT!" I yelled. Hunter was below me. "You do realize I'm the only one here and I'm not your peasant" he said.

"I don't care" I sass. I ran over to the slide and sat down. I pushed myself and went down the spiral slide. "Weeeeeeeee!" I exclaimed as I went down it.

I ran over to the monkey bars and started swinging on them. Hunter, being the show off he is, is doing pull ups on the bar thingys. He looked over at me and smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him. He returned the gesture.

We eventually ended up playing tag. Hunter was chasing me right now and I'm thankful for my long legs. I'm a little taller than I should be.

Hunter and I were breathing really hard. I abruptly stopped, which caused Hunter to slam into me. Sending us tumbling to the floor.

We were both laughing. Trying to catch your breath and laugh at the same time is not a good combination.

We lay there for a while, while we caught our breath. "I blame you" I say. "For what?" he asked. "For running into me" I say casually. "What!? you just stopped out of nowhere!" he exclaimed, sitting up. I sat up too.

I shrugged and looked at him. We both cracked a smile before laughing. I stood up and brushed the grass off my pants. Hunter followed me as I walked back to our skate boards.

We finished our drinks a while ago and threw them away. We made our way back to the freaky fruit stand that's there 24/7, seven days a week, every week of the month, every month of he year, 365 days a year.

We went our separate ways and I headed back to the house.

I walk in and Zayn immediately comes up to me, a scowl on his face. "I blame you!" he exclaimed. "Whoa! slow down there monkey face. What do you blame for exactly? I question. "You got me sick!" He yelled.

"Ever since you sneezed on me this morning! I've been sneezing and I've had the chills!" he yelled. "Calm down, geeze" I say. "I will not calm down!" he yelled again.

I looked towards the stairs. After weighing my options, I bolted towards the stairs and made a dash for my room. Zayn was close behind me. I got in my room and slammed the door, locking it.

Zayn started banging on the door. "Let me in!" he yelled. "Not a chance!" I tease.he continued banging as I walked over to my dresser. I pull open the drawer and take out two candy bars.

I stuff my face with them and bellyflop on the bed. I grab the tv remote and flick through the channels. The banging stopped eventually and I waited a while before leaving my cave to get food.

I exit my room and walk down the stairs. So far no Zayn. I get to the kitchen and stuff my face with random junk food. When I'm full, I go to Harry's room and knock on the door.

"Come in!" I here him shout. I open the door and step in, shutting it behind me. He looked at me and smiled.

I sat on his bed next to him. "Do you want to help me prank Zayn?" I ask. "Heck yes!" he exclaimed. "So, what we are going to do is............."

The plan is that I taped an air horn behind Harry's door. So that when you open the door it goes off. Me and Harry will be hiding next to Harry's door. And when it goes off, Harry will throw water on Zayn and i'll throw flour on him. Then, Harry will shove a pie tin with whip cream in it in Zayns face. Then I have a marshmallow gun and i'll shoot him with that. It seems complicated but it's not.

"Zayn! Come here! I'm in my room!" Harry calls for Zayn. Zayn comes down the hall and opens Harry's door. The air horn goes off and Zayn screams and jumps back.

Harry and I jump out and cover him with water and flour. "What the he-" Zayn gets cut off when the whip cream pie is shoved in his face. I start pelting him with marshmallows.

I put the marshmallow shooter down and burst out laughing with Harry. The other three came out of their rooms and started laughing at the scene. Zayn was staring at me annoyed.

"What the actually heck!?" he yelled. "You jut got pranked!" I yelled. "Well no duh!" he exclaimed. "Since you got me sick! and you pranked me! You have to take care of me while I'm sick and listen to my ever command" he smirked.

"What!? no!" I exclaim. "It's only fair" he shrugged crossing his arms. "No it isn't" I argue, looking towards the boys for support. They just shrugged and agreed. I groaned.

"What about Harry! He pranked you too" I exclaim. "I would rather punish you" he smiled. I rolled my eyes at him.

Great! Just great! As soon as I get better I have to waste my time taking care if Zayn!

A/N Hello! I've missed you all, mwah mwah! I'm sorry I haven't updated lately :( I don't have an excuse as to why I didn't. Well, we got some Hunter and Riley time in! And what do you think if the prank? Tell me in the comments what you think about the story? I would really appreciate it :) So would Abby, the co-writer. Love you all! Don't forget to vote :3

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