Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Pop Rocks

Riley's P.O.V.

"Here" I huff, handing Zayn the remote. "Thank you" he smirked. Harry and I are taking shifts. My shift is from when he wakes up to 1:30 P.M. It's ten right now. I sat on the couch and crossed my arms. Dad has been going to work alot lately. He usually does around my birthday. Hey! My birthday is coming up! Party time! October 31 1994! Yup! I was born on Halloween.

"Riley" Zayn calls even though I'm next to him. "What!" I snap. "Get me some water" he said. I get up and walk to the kitchen. I fill the clear glass with water and ice. The Ice clanks against the glass as I walk back to Zayn. I shove the glass into his hands. "I didn't say ice" he complains. I was about I punch the sickness out of him! "I'm kidding" he smiles. Wow, thanks.

This goes on for another four excruciating hours. It's one and its almost Harry's turn. Thank gosh! "Fluff my pillow please" Zayn smirks. I pressed my teeth together and tightened my jaw in annoyance. "I did that ten minutes ago!" I exclaim. "Fine" he huffed. This half hour can't go by any slower. I close my eyes and rest in the silence. Dads at work, the four are in their rooms. Zayn's down here trying to sleep and I'm tending to his every need. The windows are open and letting the cool breeze in. It's unusual for it to be quite, so it's nice.

I'm not sick anymore, but I have like this after sickness thing where I get a headache and hate everyone. "Riley" I hear Zayn call. "If its to fluff your stupid pillow, then NO!" I tell him. "I want you to go get ice cream for me" he smirked. "Oh heck no! Harry can do that!" I exclaimed. "It's almost Harry's turn anyways" he said. I run up stairs to get Harry. I don't even bother knocking. I push his door open and he is laying on the floor. "I don't even want to know" I say. "I'm telling you any way. I was getting out if bed and didn't want to, so i fell on the floor and fell asleep" he said getting up. "Well, Zayn needs you to get him ice cream" I tell him before leaving him and his weirdness.

A/N it's a reall really really short chapter :( sorry about that. But, we've had writers block lately. We have an awesome idea though :) thanks for reading our weirdness!!!

Jessie & Abby

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