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Hours later..

It's now 2 almost 3 and im adding some finishing touches. I was still inside my hotel room fixing my hair. I look at myself in the mirror, trying to place some bobby pins in. I hear a knock on the door. I sigh and stop trying to finish my hair. "Come in." I say loudly.

The door opens and in comes Nicole and Pauline. Nicole stops as soon as she sees me. She put her hands over her mouth as tears brimmed her eyes. "Oh my god." I hear her mumble. I smile. "You look amazing." Nicole says starting to walk over to me. I chuckle softly.

"Thank you." I say. I see a tear roll down Nicoles cheek. "Hey don't cry. that's my job" I say. She and Pauline chuckle. I chuckle along with them. Pauline sees the pins in my hands.

"Let me help you with that." Pauline says taking them from my hands. She stands behind me and guesses the places i needed the pins to be in. The places she put them in were actually better than the places i wanted them in. I felt so beautiful.

 I felt so beautiful

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I sigh and continue to look at myself in the mirror. "What do you think Timmy's reaction will be?" I ask them curiously.

Pauline chuckles. "He'd probably run up to you before you even get a chance to walk down aisle. no, to step on the aisle." She says making me giggle.

"I think he'll cry as soon as he sees you and then just continuously compliment and admire you for the whole night." Nicole says. I pout my lip at the thought of that.

I look around the room for my bouquet. I see it sitting on the random chair there was. I grab them and start to head to the door.

"Wait your veil." Nicole said running up to me. I mentally face palm about that i almost forgot it. Nicole carefully puts it in my hair. It wasn't that long. It went down to above my hips. Im not a big fan of big and fancy wedding dresses and veils.

I walk out of the room and wait for Nicole and Pauline to come out.

"Oh honey go ahead downstairs. We're waiting a bit." Nicole says. "You dad should be down stairs." She adds. I nod and start to head down the hallway. This hotel that we were staying at had the most beautiful garden. That is where we're getting married.

I walk down the stairs carefully, i don't want to trip over my dress. I hear someone gasp. I look down and see someone i never wanted at my wedding.

My Mom.

Me and my mom..well...we don't have the best relationship.

My mom went to rehab...4 times because of the continuous drug using through my first few years of life. She would get so high sometimes she would hit me and yell at me. Which was all of the time. That's why my parents divorced and i stayed with my dad my whole life.

"You look amazing." My mom says as i continue to walk down the stairs. She quit heroine but not weed. I can smell it from the stairs.

She comes to walk over to me but i stop her. A frown appears on her face. Her eyes were red.

"Why can't i see my daughter?" She asks sadly. I scoffed.

"I'm not your daughter. If I was, you wouldn't have shown up to my wedding higher than i kite." I say harshly.

My mom sniffles. "I'm sorry. Can i still stay?" She asks again.

I roll my eyes. "Come back when your not high. And just come to the reception." I spit. She looks at me one more time before walking away. I've never talked to my mother like that. It been years since i have seen her face. She's so different.

Well yeah because of aging but the drugs seriously effected her.

Once i knew she was gone, i walked down a hall that was leading me to the garden. I swear to god if Timothée comes out from the corner i'm gonna smack him. I know the not seeing the bride before the ceremony thing isn't really accurate but i still want to do it, I'm really don't even supposed to be out in the hallways but last i checked most people were sitting down.

I grab a random door knob and open the door. I go into the room and shut the door behind me.

"You know usually it's nice to knock but.." I look and see Timothée. He puts his hands over his eyes. "Holy shit." He mumbles. I was still standing there in shock.

"Have you drunk any juice or like soda today? Have you gotten food in your system?" Timothée asks. I giggle.

"Yes. Do you have food in system?" I ask back.

"Hey don't steal my question." He says whining a bit. I chuckle. "I can't see you right now but i bet you look like a million dollars." He says. That was cheesy. I still blush at him. I sigh and start to walk over to him.

"This whole not seeing the bride thing is BS. You can uncover your eyes." I say as i step i front of him. Timothée takes his hands off of his face. His eyes were shut tight.

"I'm following this rule that you call BS." He said. I roll my eyes.

I can see his eyes move through his eyes lids. "Timmy, my mom is here." I blurt. His mouth goes down a bit.

"Was she high?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah. I told her to come back to the reception. And when she's not high," I mumble. His bow tie is crooked. It's not even done correctly. "Your bow tie is so messed up." I say trying to fix it. He chuckles.

"Have my mom fix it." He says. I kinda like it crooked.

I sigh. "Be honest with me, how badly do you want to open your eyes right now?" I ask playing with the flowers on my bouquet.

"So badly." He whined dropping a little bit. I smile at his child like action.

"You can look. I know you don't want to see me before the ceremony but just look." I said continuing to play the bouquet. Some one bursts in through the door.

"Ceremony time guys."

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