Part 5

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You two entered and exited shops mostly just window shopping but he did buy a few things for himself and you which made you wonder about his job or whatever his source of income was. He was selling jewelry and other trinkets on the street when you met him. You were struggling to find an appropriate time to ask, asking about his funds after he bought you things seemed weird and you wanted to enjoy the day without ruining things. Around lunchtime, you two entered a comfy restaurant that he seemed to visit frequently because of his familiarity with the menu and the workers.

Then the door opened and the room seemed to get a little brighter as a small-framed man with blonde unkempt hair and a baggy suit walked in. He appeared to be in a rush as he made his way to the back through a door labeled "Employees Only" Leorio didn't pay attention to this and instead asked you what you'd like to order. You wondered if he knew this man since he visited this spot frequently. The way he purposely diverted your attention from him was odd but you figured Leorio had your best interests in mind.

The blonde man walked back out of the door visibly irritated and checked his watch before he looked up and his eyes went directly to the table you were seated at. He ran his fingers through his seemingly unintentional mullet and let out a deep sigh as he approached the table.

"Mr. Leorio"

"Kurapika please-we talked about this"

"I'm aware of what we've discussed but I'm here for business so I thought formalities would make that more clear. May I sit while I wait?"

He spoke very properly, you could tell he was extremely intelligent. What business could he have at this restaurant? Upon further inspection, you noticed this man had rather soft features, though his personality and way of dressing showed that he was far from the delicate type. His beauty made you feel slightly nervous and his manners impressed you, intriguing you almost more than Leorio's since his seemed to be out of habit not impressing others.

"Please forgive me for not introducing myself sooner. I am Kurapika, and you are?"


He only nodded in response as he sat next to Leorio. He's quiet too. It was amusing to see them sit next to each other since they were so different. Both men extremely attractive but if attractiveness were a spectrum they'd be on opposite sides. On one side there was Leorio, large with strong features and muscles, carefree and bold, deeply devoted and kind without thinking. And on the other side was Kurapika, small with delicate features and expressions, calculated and introspective, passionate and intentional. Having two attractive men across from you and paying attention to you made you feel kind of flustered. It almost felt like you were on a date with two men and it might've seemed that way to onlookers too. You wondered if Leorio would comment on the nature of your relationship with you, but he didn't, and you didn't blame him since everything was so recent and undefined.

You pulled the menu closer to your face, reading it, almost frantically as you attempted to find a conversation starter but the charming Mr. Leorio did first.

"There's so many different cheeses to choose from. How could anyone choose just one? Maybe everyone should be assigned a cheese at birth, maybe that'd make it easier?"

"Cheese?" you laughed politely, not knowing how to respond to his attempted ice breaker. 

"You know, Parmesan, Cheddar, Swiss..." Leorio trailed off.

"M-Mozzarella cheese" Kurapika added reluctantly, almost as if it pained him.

"YES!" Leorio exclaimed gesturing for Kurapika to name more. But Kurapika didn't have any more cheese names in him.

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