Chapter 7

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Momo led the fairies and Y/n through the dark woods. The fairies walked cautiously and checked their surroundings while the princess followed behind with her head down and dried up tears on her face.

The group walked through the hole in the wall that they used all those years ago and they entered a door that led to a staircase that went to a tower.

"Come along now." Momo whispered, once they made it to the top, where she checked corners and she pushed open a door that led to a big bedroom fit for a princess. "All right. In here, dear."

Mina shut the door and locked it and she fell back on and sighed.

"Ochako, pull the drapes." Momo said, and Ochako closed the drapes that we're next to a window. Momo slowly pushed Y/n to a small desk that had a mirror on it. "And now, dear, if you'll just sit here. This one last gift, dear child, for thee."

The three fairies waved their wands together while Momo continued her spell.

"The symbol of thy royalty." The three finished making the crown and Momo took it into her hands. "A crown to wear in grace and beauty as is thy right and royal duty."

Momo set the crown on Y/n's head and she looked at herself in the mirror, but she burst into tears and sobbed.

"Now, dear-" Ochako attempted to comfort her but Momo stopped her and shook her head.

"Come." Momo sighed and led the fairies out the door. "Let her have a few moments alone."

Momo closed the door and sighed sadly.

"It's that boy she met." Mina pointed out.

"What are we going to do?" Ochako asked.


Inside her room Y/n continued to sob when the fire started to flicker out and it burned out completely and darkness took over her room. Two teal blue eyes shone through the dark and a blue ball of flame's floated there.

Y/n slowly lifted her head like she couldn't control her body and she started to walk towards it.


"Oh, I don't see why she has to marry any old prince." Mina grumbled.

"Now, that's not for us to decide, dear." Ochako said.


Y/n slowly walked closer to it and the ball made the wall behind the fireplace disappear and she continued on.


"Maybe we should tell King D/n about the boy." Ochako said to the pancing Momo.

"Well, why don't we?" Mina asked.

"Listen!" Momo snapped when she heard a very creepy voice singing. "Dabi! Rose!"

The three pushed through the door and gasped at Y/n who was walking in a trance through a hall.

"Oh, why did we leave her alone?" Ochako gasped.

"Rose!" The three yelled and ran after her but the wall came back before they could run through.


Y/n followed the light up stairs and the light shone brighter as it slowly got closer to its destination.


The fairies grunted as they pushed against the wall. Momo pushed them back and made the wall disappear.


"Rose. Where are you?"


Y/n stepped slowly up the stairs and her dress picked up small specks of dirt.

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