Chapter 8

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Kirishima trotted through the woods, with Katsuki softly whistling to the song that his dream girl sang.


The prince hopped off his horse as they came to a stop in front of the small cottage. Katsuki marched towards the door and he fixed his hat and almost knocked on the door but a small horse snicker made him pause.

"What?" Katsuki asked slowly.

Kirishima gave him a look that said, 'be nice, this is my future mother and grandparents.'

Katsuki cursed under his breath and nodded at his horse and he knocked on the door.

"Come in." A male's voice called. Katsuki opened the door and walked in only to be greeted by a horde of goblins pouncing on him and they quickly tied ropes around him.

Dabi smirked to himself as he watched his goons attacking their target.

Katsuki knocked a couple off but they just kept coming. The raven cawed in joy and watched as the goons put a binding around Kasuki's mouth.

Dabi stepped forward and lit a small flame in his hand and held up to Katsuki's face.

"Well!" Dabi chuckled. "This is a pleasant surprise. I set my trap for a peasant and, lo, I caught a prince!"

Dabi chackled, Katsuki not expecting defeat started to yell muffled curses at the scarred man, who rolled his eyes at him.

"Away with him." Dabi commanded. "But gently, my pets. Gently."

The goons started to pull Katsuki towards the door, and Katsuki pulled away from them.

"I have plans for our royal guest."


The three fairies landed in the cottage they spent 16 years in, but they were met with their furniture knocked over and their home a mess. Momo gasped when she saw the prince's hat and picked it up.

"Dabi!" They gasped.

"He's got Prince Katsuki." Mina said.

"At the Forbidden Mountain." Momo said and her eyes went wide.

"But we can't, we can't go there." Ochako gasped.

"We can, we must!" Momo encouraged them.


The fairies crept up to the castle bridge and the hide behind the pillars. A guard marched forward and the three held their breaths. When the guard left they found a hole in the walls and they went small and they flew through it.

The hole led to a small ledge and a goon stood there sharpening his spear. They quickly shot back and went the other way and they almost hit a sleeping goon that was snorting in his sleep.

They flew away and they found a spot where they could take a breather when they heard goons chattering and cheering. They looked through a window and saw the goons dancing around a blue fire and Dabi sitting in his throne petting his raven.

"What a pity Prince Katsuki can't be here to enjoy the celebration." Dabi chuckled. "Come. We must go to the dungeon and cheer him up."

Dabi stood up and started his walk to the dungeons with the raven flying above him.

The fairies flew down and followed the man, who took out a key and unlocked a cell door and quietly shut it, and he darkly chuckled at the sight in front of him which was Katsuki who was in chains around his arms and legs and a metal plate around his mouth to keep him quiet.

"Oh, come now, Prince Katsuki. Why so melancholy?" Dabi asked. "A wondrous future lies before you. You, the destined hero of a charming fairy tale, come true."

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