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Eager to get any evidence she could for their case against the Commander, Connie, having finished her chat with Santino, made her way towards the evidence locker, which was located on the same floor as the medical wing. Unlike the other areas she would have to search however, she didn't expect to receive much resistance in this area. The twin sisters who ran the evidence locker had always had a thing for Santino, even though he always payed them no mind what so ever, so she was pretty confident that all she'd have to do was mention his name if she ran into trouble and the girls would be more than willing to let her look around. In fact they'd probably help her look.

The files room probably wouldn't be too hard either, due to the fact that the old man who ran it didn't really care one way or the other what reports you looked at, as long as you put them back in the proper place when you were done with them. He was OCD, and if any reports weren't put away in the right place, he would then feel the need to practically reorganize the entire section until it was back up to his standard, but since she intended on keeping whatever reports she looked at as evidence, she wouldn't have to worry too much about that, as long as she wrote down which reports she was taking, so that he wouldn't go crazy looking for them.

The only real difficult part of her search would be the Commander's office itself. It was clear that he wouldn't willingly submit to a detailed search of his office, so she would have to sneak in later and search it in secret, which would only cause more problems for them if they were caught. So she would have to bring someone who would be discrete, and be able to help her get in and out without leaving any trace of them being there. 'The ideal choice would be Santino, but sense that is clearly out of the question, that leaves me with... probably either Diego or Topaz. I'll talk it over with them when I get home,' she told herself.

By the time she had finished planning all this out in her mind, she had finally arrived at the locker. As with most lockups, the room was completely surrounded by steel bars, preventing anyone from getting in or out of the room without a key, which only the two workers and the commander, himself, had copies of.

As Connie approached the, currently locked, door to the locker, one of the girls from inside noticed her, waving to her excitedly as she walked over to the door to greet her.

"Hi, Connie," said the medium height brunette, with an average build and a bright smile.

"Hi, Lillian," Connie replied in a cheerful voice as she approached the door as well.

"What brings you down here today?" Lillian asked as she picked up a clip board nearby and began writing down some random information that Connie didn't concern herself with.

"I'd like to see the evidence brought in by Jones' group after their mission the other day, if possible," Connie replied, "I need it for a case."

"That wouldn't be for the murder investigation would it?" came the other girl's voice from further off inside the room, behind various shelves and crates.

"It would," Connie replied, loud enough for the other girl to hear. "Why?" she then asked, wondering why the other girl seemed so down upon the idea of her looking at the evidence.

"Sorry, but you know only the Commander and the two parties involved have the right to see those. The other leaders must remain impartial," the other girl said once more from behind the shelves.

'What is she talking about? Doesn't she know the details of the investigation?' Connie wondered as she furrowed her brows in confusion, "My group is one of the parties involved. Didn't anyone tell you two what's going on?" she asked. 'To be fair, Santino was only just taken into custody yesterday, so there is a chance that the news simply hasn't reached them yet about who was involved. Even so, you'd think the people in charge of watching over the evidence would be one of the first people to be made known of this information. Unless the Commander intentionally left them in the dark in attempts to keep me from getting any evidence on him.'

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