Starting Over

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(Alison's POV)


I never thought i would miss the lies, rumors, and accusations. I mean you can't blame them. This town is full of mysteries, it's hard not to accuse or even tell the truth.

I'm finally back. After 2 years, I'm back.

And I have all of my friends to thank. Especially Aria, she did kill A for me.

As I lay down on my bed trying to find out what happened to those past years I was gone. Aria is dating a teacher, Hanna is dating a computer nerd. Spencer is with Toby. And last but not least, sweet, sweet Emily is dating that Pigskin BItch. I cant believe she got with Emily, what does she even see in her?

As I think about the years, my phone rang. It was Spencer, I answered and she says,

Spencer: Hey Ali! The girls and I are planning a sleepover, you comin'?

Me: I don't know Spence, the last time we had a sleepover I got buried alive remember?

Spencer: Oh come on, this is gonna be our first sleepover since you came back. Please?

Spencer pleaded.

Me: Fine, I'll be there at 8

Spencer: Wow, I didn't even think that would work

I could hear her smiling from the sound of her voice.

Me: Didn't think what would work?

I ask curiously. But she responds with,

Spencer: W-What? Oh. That. No It's nothing.

She started to get jumpy, I knew something was going on.

Spencer: Don't worry about it. Okay, bye. I got to go. See you at 8

Then she quickly hangs up the phone.

It was around 6 p.m. so I went and picked out my clothes for the sleepover. I took my pink tank top and grey sweatpants and some matching underwear, and some other clothes I thought I would try on since more than half of them I haven't worn for 2 years. By the time I
was finished, it was already 7:43. Damn, time flies by when you pick out what clothes to wear.

I grab my phone and text Spencer.

ME: I'm on my way. Is everyone there?

I asked. Later on she replies with,

Spencer: Yeah, are you coming now?

ME: I'll be there in 5.

When I get to Spencer's house, I hear the girls giggling. When I opened the door and suddenly it was quiet. Everyone looked at me and they were already in their pajamas.

"So, having fun without me?" I ask while grinning.

"You're late" Spencer says glaring at me.

I look at the clock and its 8:16 p.m. And suddenly I realized that when it comes to Spencer to be on time you have to be at least 30 minutes early.

I glare back at Spencer and say, "Yikes, sorry Spence" I say in a bitchy tone.

We all just sat down talking about our relationships, and since I was the only one that didn't have a relationship i changed things up a bit,

"who wants to play truth or dare?" I casually ask,

And they all stand up and agreed . We all sat in a circle asking everyone truth or dares.

Everyone had a turn except me and Em. And suddenly it was Emily's turn, so i went ahead and asked her,

"Truth or dare" i asked her slightly smirking.

She thought about it for about 10 seconds and she finally answers,

"Truth" Emily responds

This was my chance to ask her anything, I could either ask her why shes dating Paige, or If she still loves me. I finally decide and im gonna ask her about Paige, i mean If i ask her if she still loved me it would be awkward since shes dating Paige.

"Didnt Paige try to drown you?" i asked " Why would you be with her when she practically tried to kill you?" And after i said those words I saw a look on Emily's face. She was trying to glare at me but she couldnt It was adorable so i just laughed.

"We already passed the Paige drowning me thing, so yeah, all is forgiven" Emily answers with a smile on her face.

And I just rolled my eyes and got up,

"i dont wanna play anymore, i think im just gonna crash on the bed" i say politely trying not to sound like a boring person.

"Aw, what already, its only 9:28" Hanna frowns "Can we atleast get something to eat?" But we all just Ignored her. But she gets up anyways and started raiding Spencers fridge.

Ive been wanting to talk to Emily since i got back, i still havent figured out how to tell her that those kisses wasnt just for practice, i wanted to tell her that i loved her. I never loved anyone as much as i love Em. When she looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes, i just wanna tackle her to the ground and smash our lips together.

But shes with Paige now. She could never love me back. Especially the way that i treated her like the way I did before it wasnt right. At that point i realize that i havent apologized to Emily yet. I grab my clothes and went upstairs to sleep but before i could reach the stairs i was gonna apologize to Em,

"Hey Em can you come with me upstairs?" I ask her and she replies "Yeah. Sure. Of course." she sounded a bit unsure.

As we walk up the stairs i look at Emily and i flashed her a small smille. She smiles back. God I missed her sweet innocent smile.

When we reach Spencers bedroom, I sat on her bed and tapped the the empty spot next to me signaling for Emily to sit down.

When she sits down I look at her straight in her eyes and say,

"Im sorry Em" I finally say as I start to look down to the floor,

"For what?" she asks,

"For rejecting you like I did in the library, I shouldnt have done that."

"It's alright Ali we were young and--" Emily began

"I'm not done, I apologize for all the things I did to you, I always made you feel like your feelings were one sided."

"Ali why are you saying this?"

"Emily those kisses werent for practice. From the day that you kissed me in the library i fell deeply in love with you."

"Ali stop it" she chuckled nervously

"I only rejected you in the locker rooms because i didn't know what I was feeling towards you, I didn't wanna feel that way towards you. I was afraid that if I was in love you everyone would think its weird. I mean im the queen bee. They dont expect the queen bee to like girIs. I dont really care about that now Em. From the moment we kissed i was in love with you. I am in love with you" I finally said it I told Emily i loved her.

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