Part 2 YO

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(Emily's POV)

shit shit shit shit shit shit what if she doesnt pick me? what am i gonna do with my life? damn it. did i kiss her long enough? 5 minutes isnt enough fuck. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.

E- This is not a good time and who is this

P- Paige, And you said you would call me. Whats happening?

E- Sorry i totally spaced out

P- What were you doing?

E- I was helping Alison with something.

P- With what?

E- its better if you dont know

P-Why not?

E- Because were kind of in a break

P- Youve moved on ive moved on. no foul

E- Were helping Ali figure out who shes in love with so its Either me or autumn.

P- OH. And how exactly are you gonna do that?

E- We both have to kiss her.

P- huh that might work--

E- Paige i gotta go i think theyre deciding bye

I hung up on her and tried listening to Alisons' conversation with the rest of the girls but i couldnt.

(Alison's POV)

"That means youre in love with....."

"With who?" I yelled at them. NO answer

"Cecilia Drake ANSWER ME"

"Emily, its Emily"

"Wait but i thought Autumn went second?" Aria asked

"This happened to me once, i got so confused. I looked like a demented creamsicle" Hanna whispered

"Shut up, Hanna" We all said in unison

"So is it Emily or Autumn?"

"Ask Spencer, shes the one that kept tabs on who was who" Aria says and we all look at Spencer

"I think its Autumn im not sure"

"No im pretty sure its Emily" Hanna and Cece says in unison

"No its Autumn" Spencer and Aria says in unison.

"Stop youre confusing me!" I yelled at them

"Whoever asked for the 10 second warning is the one. so all we gotta do is ask them who it was" i continued and they all nodded while Spencer grabbed Emily and Autumn.

"Which one asked for the warning" Hanna asked firmly while she took out her phone, turned on the flashlight and flashed it on their faces kind of like an interrogation.

"Hanna turn that shit off before i tell Caleb that you watched The Vampire Diaries without him"

"Yup thats Emily" Hanna whispered to me

"Of course im Emily!"

"You know i liked you better when you were the shy one" Hanna said to Emily and she gave her a glare

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