Truth or Dare

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(Emily's POV)

"Exactly, I dont care either. Let me be with you, We'll travel across Europe, we can go to Paris. Just say that you'll be with me, say that you'll be my one and only girlfriend"


My phone started ringing and I groaned. It was my mom

E- Mom this is really bad timing.

PF- Sorry I just called to say that your dad had an emergency up on the base and he needed me to go over there. Will you and Alison be alright for a couple of weeks?

E- Is Dad Alright?

PF- Yes he's fine for now

E- How many weeks are we talking about?

PF- 3-4 weeks

E- Thats a month.

PF- I know honey but its really urgent. Will you be alright?

E- Yeah sure

I sighed

PF- Tell Alison that she can stay as long as she wants okay

E-Okay Mom bye

I hung up and went back to the conversation

"Anyways getting back to this"

"Let me love you" I pleaded

"Loving me is like drinking poison" She shook her head

"It'd be a pleasure to die for you" I smiled

"Emily! Alison!" I hear someone yelling from downstairs

"Who's here?" I raised an eyebrow

"I Might've called the girls while you were out running" She gave me an apologetic smile and left the bathroom with me following behind. When we reached downstairs we saw Aria and Spencer opening the T.V

"Where's Marin?" Alison asks sitting down on the couch

"She's out with Cece" Aria rolls her eyes

"Doing exactly what?" I chuckled

"They wanted to get some snacks"

"We have snacks here" I sat down on the floor in between Alisons' Legs

"Yeah but they said you have healthy snacks"

"Why are you so quiet" Alison asks Spencer

"Im just trying to make this T.V work" She gave a fake smile

"Whats up bitches" Hanna and Cece came barging in.

"Will you learn how to knock like a normal person?" Alison says rolling her eyes

"You guys can't keep barging in like that" I faced Spencer, Hanna And Aria.

"Your mom got a key made for me. So i beg to differ" Hanna showed the key

"Uh you're not the only one" Aria and Spencer says in unison while they showed their key as well.

"I should've stopped my mom as soon as she reached the key store" I mumbled to myself.

"But you didn't" Hanna smiles and walked over to the kitchen.

"So what snacks did you buy" Alison got up

"More like what drinks" Cece smirked and rose up the 6-pack beer.

"Oh yeah were drinking!" She continued

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