The Bonding

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(Emily's POV)

It's been 3 weeks since I cheated on Paige. I haven't seen Paige since. I mean I understand if she's avoiding me, but at least let me explain.

I have been avoiding Ali too. Not because she kissed me. Because I know what I did to her. I can't stand seeing her hurt, and especially when it's my fault.

It was first period, all of us had Fitz. Me, Aria, Paige, Spencer, Hanna, and Ali. I guess I can't avoid her forever.

Before I go to my first period I see Spencer.

"Hey Spence, um.. how is Ali" I ask her

"Well she's hurt Em. The person she loved did reject her after all" She said while giving me a look.

"Don't tell me you actually think Ali was telling the truth" I said while rolling my eyes

"I'm not saying that. I just think you should give Ali a chance" she said as she starts to walk away,

"Yeah, but you can't just change all of the sudden. She is always going to be the same girl that was a bitch to everyo-" before I could finish Spencer cuts me off

"Can we talk about this later, I gotta go meet Toby" she says while walking faster

"But we have 1st period together" I reminded her. And giving her my signature look that says -I don't know what's happening-

"Yeah, but this is really important. Can you please tell the others? I'll be back by lunch I promise" Spencer says while getting into her car

I sigh and said "Fine, I'll see you later"

When I got to class, I was already late. Since Fitz is dating Aria, he let it slide. I sat in the back right next to Hanna and Aria, and in front of Aria was Ali.

While Fitz was teaching the class about a book that he read, the book made him realized he wanted to be an English teacher.

As Fitz went on and on and on about the book I feel my phone vibrate, I looked at my phone and I got a text from Ali, she was looking at me. Oh shit, I don't even know what to do, should I open it?

While I was hesitating if I should open the text or not, I had my phone in my hand. But then Hanna accidentally nudged me and I pressed on the conversation. Fuck. Now I have to reply.

Alison- Hey Em can we talk please

CRAP. What should I say?

Emily- I don't think that's a good idea. Paige and I still aren't talking 

Alison- Please Em we really need to talk

Emily- Ali, please just leave me alone. I'm still trying wrap my head around this situation. I'm really confused right now, so please?

I replied back. a few minutes later she still hasn't responded. Did I do something wrong? is she mad?

My thoughts were interrupted by the bell. Class was over, finally I could talk to Paige. I see Paige walking out the door quickly, I ran after her but when I got to the door she was gone. I tried walking around but she was no where to be found.

When I was looking around, I felt someone pull my arm, and before I knew it I was in the bathroom with Ali.

"Ali I can't talk right now, I'm trying to find Paige. have you seen her?" I questioned her

"No. Em we need to talk about this" she says

"Ali like I said, I can't talk right now" I repeated while walking out the door but Ali goes I front of me and locks the bathroom door

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