Will you go out with me?

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(Emily's POV)

The movie ended and I looked down at Ali. She looks so beautiful. I can't believe I even let her go. I managed to escape from Ali's grip and immediately called Paige. After two rings she answers

"Hey babe what's up?"

"Hi can we meet I really need to talk"

"Why is something wrong?"

"No baby it's just this is really important to text or even call"

"Oh it's that bad. Okay where do you wanna meet?"

"I'll be at your house in 10"

"Alright see you then. Bye! I love you!"

"I love you too! Bye!" I hung up and got ready to leave. but before I leave I forgot about Alison. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a letter to Alison.

After I wrote Ali a note I quickly rushed over to Paige. It's time to break things off with her so I can think. Lets get this over with...

(Alison's POV)

I woke up with no Emily in my arms. that's weird. I was getting worried until I saw a note.

* Sorry Ali there was an emergency with Paige I had to go and I didn't want to wake you up. if you need anything just call

- Emily *

What the fuck. did she just really invite me to her house to watch a movie and just leaves? Who does that?

I got so pissed so I called Autumn.

"Autumn babe, how are you?"

"I'm good. aren't you suppose to be hanging out with Emily?"

"Yeah change of plans that ass hole ditched me for pigskin"

"Pig what?"

I chuckled at her confusion

"Pigskin, Paige her girlfriend"

"Why do you call her that?"

"Whatever that's not the point wanna hang out or something I'm bored and the other girls are with their boyfriends"

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" Autumn asks

"What? of course not" I chuckled

"What about Noel?"

"Nah he was just some booty call"

"Then why dont you booty call him over" she laughs

"You know what if you don't wanna hang out with me that's fine just say so" I said getting annoyed

"No no it's not that. of course I wanna hang out with you. where do you wanna go?" She asked

"Umm what about your house?" I asked shyly

"Yeah sure as long as you promise not to bring anyone els"

"Alright. see you soon Hun" I hung up the phone and got ready .

When I reached Autumns house I rang the doorbell at least 7000x. Until she finally answered. she had sweat pants a t shirt and her hair was in a messy bun. kinda hot.

"Are you serious!?!?" She shouted

"Hey baby" I winked at her and walked inside.

"Alison Lauren Dilaurentis if you ever do something like that again I will END YOU" she says leaning closer to my face. I looked at her brown eyes and I always see Emily's eyes when I looked at her.

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