Party on the Jolly Roger

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"Raelynn Amelia Jones!"

Raelynn froze as she heard her father's voice call her name. They were in a new town, Storybrooke, and for the first time ever, she'd had to go to school, and she wanted to make friends, so she decided to invite her whole class to a party on the Jolly Roger, her dad's ship. Which obviously, he knew nothing about. And of course, he'd shown up just in time to witness her drunkenly jumping off the ship and into the water.

"Well fuck" Raelynn muttered as she turned to look at her father "Hey Papa"

"Don't you 'hey Papa' me! What on Earth is going on here?!" Killian snapped, clearly absolutely fuming at the scene in front of him. And of course, since this was Storybrooke and everyone knew everything about everyone's business, word of a party had spread pretty quickly, and a collection of other parents were starting to gather, to see if their child was there.

"You told me to make friends at school" She shrugged a little, but she knew was in deep trouble.

"Peter, Gideon, let's go" One woman said, and turned and started walking as two teenage boys followed behind.

One by one, the parents disappeared with their children in tow, eventually leaving Killian shaking his head at his daughter, who was dripping with water and starting to shiver from the cold night air.

"Are you out of your bloody mind?!"


"We'll talk about this at home"

Killian sighed and wrapped his jacket around his daughters shoulders before almost dragging her home, which wasn't too far, but she was kind of hoping it would take longer because she knew her backside was in to it once they got home.

"Go and get yourself dried off, then I want you in my office"

Raelynn opened her mouth to argue, but it only took one look from her father for her to decide otherwise, and quickly made her way upstairs. Killian hung up his jacket and went into his office to wait for his daughter and try to calm himself down, he couldn't believe she'd done something like this, she was always getting herself into some kind of trouble but he never thought she'd use the ship to throw herself a bloody party. It wasn't too much later that Raelynn came back downstairs, dressed in pyjamas, and poked her head in the office door.


"Come in" Killian said, nodding for her to sit down, which she quickly did. "Do you know how stupid that was, Rae? Not just the fact that you decided to throw a party and get everyone into trouble, plus you've now given us a reputation that we didn't particularly need, you had a whole class of people drinking underage, my ship is a mess, not to mention how bloody dangerous that is! Drunk teenagers jumping into the ocean, Rae! We have been at sea long enough for you to know how dangerous that is and quite frankly it's a miracle that no one got bloody hurt! Then you need to consider the weapons and potions that are on that ship! Seriously Raelynn what were you thinking?!"

Raelynn already had a tear slipping down her cheek, as much as she was always getting into trouble of some sort, she absolutely hated her dad being mad at her or disappointed in her, it'd always been just the two of them, and she was such a Papa's girl.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted them to like me" She said, looking down and twiddling her thumbs "I heard someone say having a party would be a good way to make friends and I didn't think you'd let me so I thought the ship would be a good place to do it... I wasn't even thinking about how dangerous it was, I should have"

"Damn right you should have" Killian nodded, before sighing "Look Rae, I understand that it's difficult starting over somewhere new, but you and I both loved this place when we came to drop Peter off, right?"

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