A Missing Boyfriend and a Brush With Death

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It'd been a while since they'd arrived in Storybrooke, and they were well and truly settled, however, Peter had vanished about a week ago. No one had seen him or heard from him, and Raelynn was reaching her breaking point. For years now, Peter had been Raelynn's safe place. Even when she and her father had been in battle with him, she knew deep down he'd never really hurt her. And as much as her father was all she ever thought she'd need, but as each day went by without Peter, she felt a feeling she'd never felt before. She felt empty. Sad. Like there was a piece of her missing, and she couldn't feel like this any longer.

"Gideon, where's Peter?" Raelynn asked, after their first class had finished.

"You still haven't seen him?"

"He still hasn't gone home?"

"I'm sure he's fine, try not to worry about it" Gideon said, but Rae couldn't help but worry. Peter didn't just disappear, he'd always tell her where he was.

"Alice, have you seen him?" She asked, and Alice shook her head

"I'm sure he'll turn up"

Raelynn asked everyone that day, but no one seemed to know where he was, and it was driving her crazy. At lunch, she literally asked everyone she could see, but even Roland didn't know where he was, and Roland usually, somehow knew everyone's gossip. Lunch was coming to a close, and she couldn't go back to class not knowing where Peter was, so she decided to take matters into her own hands, and she snuck away from school, into the library, up the clocktower, through the window, and onto the roof.

It was a windy day, so this probably wasn't her smartest plan, but if anything would get Peter's attention, it would be her on a roof. Their roof. Their favourite spot. Surely he'd come back if she was up here. But she waited a while and he didn't appear.

"Raelynn? Is Peter up there with you?" She heard a voice, and peered over to see David, her headmaster "You went missing from school! There's a few people out looking for you! You need to come down it's not safe!"

Raelynn gulped as she looked down. Without Peter's safety, she realised just how high up this was.

"Is she there?" Killian said, joining David "Raelynn Amelia so help me God!"

"I need Peter!" Raelynn replied. Getting onto the roof was fairly easy, but getting down? Almost impossible without slipping, especially on a windy day.

"Get Emma down here, she can use her magic to help Raelynn down" David said, but Snow shook her head "Emma's magic isn't working, remember? Regina's trying to fix it"

"Well then what about Regina?"

"She away in the Enchanted Forest, even if we call for her now she won't make it back for hours"

"I will go up there myself and bloody get her if I have to" Killian said, the worry for his daughter's safety taking over him.

"It's too dangerous" David said, shaking his head "The storm's about to start, it's not safe for any of us to go up there"

And just like that, the storm did start, and it knocked Raelynn off the side of the roof, where he held on for dear life, instantly bursting into tears "Papa!"

"Raelynn! You need to hold on baby, okay? You hold on tighter than you've ever held on to anything before!"

"Papa I need help!" She cried, she was absolutely terrified, and she didn't know how much longer she could hold on.

"Just hold on, Rae Rae" Killian said, trying to sound as calm as he possibly could, despite the fact that he was completely freaking out "Help is coming"

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