Rooftop Picnics and a Stolen Motorcycle

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"Pa, can I go and find Peter?" Raelynn asked her father, who was getting ready to go somewhere himself.

"Aye, stay out of trouble"

"I will"

Almost as soon as Raelynn stepped out the front door, Peter grabbed her and swooped her up, flying up to their favourite spot, the top of the clocktower, where he'd laid out a picnic.

"Oh fancy today" Raelynn giggled "What's the occasion?"

"Can't I treat my girl sometimes?" Peter replied as they sat down

"Your girl?"

Peter rolled his eyes and pulled Rae close to him so that she was sat with her back to his chest "You've been my girl since I first ever laid eyes on you"

"Even when you were trying to kill me and my Pa?"

"Yep, even then" He laughed, kissing the top of her head. "It's a cool place here"

Raelynn nodded "Yeah, it's nice to be off the ship"

"You don't miss being at sea?"

She shrugged "I'm sure we'll still have plenty of opportunity to be able to get back on the water, but it's nice to have an actual place to call home. And things seem to be working out with your dad, right?"

Peter scoffed a little "I'm not used to rules and having someone tell me what to do, let alone find every opportunity to put me over his knee"

"He's just doing what dad's do. It's not like my Pa didn't have you over his knee a few times"

"Once" Peter said, rolling his eyes "And that's because I dangled you off the side of the ship and threatened to drop you into a sea of mermaids"

Rae shuddered at the memory "You really don't like being with your family?"

"I do, I'm just not used to it"

"Not quite the same as being the ruler of Neverland, eh?"

"Exactly" Peter chuckled, before pointing out to the castle, where Rocco was speeding away on his horse "You think they let him out, or you think he's finally had enough and run off?"

"Rocco? Why would he run off?"

"No one's seen him or Roland since the party, Alice didn't say much about it but she mentioned the King was fuming"

Raelynn raised an eyebrow "You talk to Alice?"

"Starting over in a new place after ruling a land for a while? You get on the right side of the royals, I've talked to all of them a bit" Peter explained "If we ever find ourselves in real trouble, it'll do us well to have them on side"

"You really do think of everything"

"That I do"

"Rae, you know how I feel about you being on the bloody roof!" Killian called up, and Rae peered over the edge to see her father looking up at them, and he was quickly joined by Emma, the Sheriff.

"Yeah, you kids are gonna have to come down, it's not safe up there" She said

Peter sighed "What is this, the land of no fun?" He said, before wrapping an arm around Rae and landing them both safely on the ground.

"I heard that" Emma said "You can have fun, as long as you're safe"

"We were safe" Peter replied

"I wouldn't call hanging out on top of the clocktower particularly safe"

"It's safe when you can fly"

"Raelynn can't fly"

"Raelynn know's that if she even thinks about going on the roof without me then I'd spank her myself"

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