A War and A Deal With The Devil

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"Roland, where's your brother?" Regina asked "Your father needs to talk to you both about something"

"He's trying to find Jefferson"

"Jefferson? Why on Earth would be bothering Jefferson?"

Roland shrugged "Apparently he has business with the Knave and needs to get to Wonderland"

"I thought the Knave left Wonderland?" Regina questioned

"Apparently he went back, Alice said so"

"I thought Alice was done with that place too" She said, shaking her head "I don't like that place"

"Like it or not, I don't think Alice will ever be done with it, and I don't think Rocco will be until he's done whatever it is that he needs to do"

"What's Rocco doing?" Robin asked as he walked into the room "I need him to be here"

"Apparently he's hunting down Jefferson so he can go trolloping around Wonderland" Regina said, rolling her eyes.

Robin shook his head "Can you bring him back here, please love?"

"Of course" Regina said, walking away into another room

"What's so important?" Roland asked, looking at his father "When you want to talk to us both we're either in trouble, about to be in trouble, or you need us to actually do our jobs, which usually results in us being in trouble"

"I need you to do your jobs" Robin said, sighing "And I need you to do them well, so you'll need to keep an eye on your brother and make sure he doesn't wonder off"

"I'm not his babysitter"

"Roland, the Kingdom's in danger. For the foreseeable future you are not a student and Rocco is not an adventurer. You're the Prince's of the land and I need you both. Snow and Charming are on their way over, and once we've discussed everything we will be calling an emergency meeting here in the castle tonight and we're gonna need all the support we can get"

Roland frowned "Dad what exactly's going on?"

"Wait for your brother to get here" Robin said, shaking his head. It wasn't long before Regina had pulled Rocco through a mirror, and he was standing in the room with them.

"Was that really necessary?" Rocco asked, fixing his hair

"It's important" Regina said, leading him into the room where Robin and Roland were waiting for him "Go and sit with your brother"

"Are we in trouble?" Rocco asked, taking a seat next to Roland

"Not this time" Robin said, sighing "A war is coming. Our Kingdom is under attack from the very people we've been trying to keep it safe from for so long"

"The land with no magic?" Roland asked, confused "How did they even find us"

"No, the land with no magic still think we're just a book of fairytales. The Octunes have found us, and we've not got much time to prepare"

"How long?" Rocco asked

"We're expecting them to be here in two weeks" Regina said "That's when Gold suspect's they'll arrive"

"So I need you both to step up. Our men are strong but we're going to need to recruit as many people as possible if we are to win this war" Robin explained "You two will both be in charge of training. You know how to spot a good fighter. Do not recruit anyone if you don't think they can handle. We will find other jobs for people who won't be fighting. It's going to be all hands on deck and I know you're both more then capable of this"

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