A Trip to Neverland and Pan's Girl

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"Papa please, I can help! I can sail!" Raelynn begged for the millionth time, but it was no good. Everyone was helping in the war in one war or another but Killian had kept his daughter far away from it all, grounding her to the house until it was over, and she was hating every second of it "I can fight, you know I can use a sword! Please Papa"

"Raelynn that's enough!" Hook snapped "It's been a long day. Lives have been lost, iI've spent all day fighting and I don't want to come home and start fighting with you. The answer is no. You're not putting yourself in that kind of danger. I couldn't live knowing something had happened to you. You're not helping. End of discussion"

"But Papa!"

"I said end of discussion, Rae" Killian said "Don't make me repeat myself again. Peter will be here soon and he'll be exhausted. Go to bed and be there for him"

Raelynn rolled her eyes as she stomped her way upstairs, slamming her bedroom door behind her, to be met with Peter raising an eyebrow at her.

"Don't you look at me like that" Rae sighed as she climbed into bed "I just wanna help"

"I know, love" Peter replied, wrapping an arm around her "You're helping more than you know by keeping yourself safe"

"Hmm" Raelynn mumbled, still not happy about the situation, but she decided to let her tired boyfriend sleep.

She didn't sleep though, in fact she was wide awake, and the longer she couldn't sleep, the longer she was convinced she would be better off out there, helping the war. Once she'd heard her Pa, and apparently Emma, go to bed, she waited until she was sure they were asleep, then she carefully climbed out of her own bed. She looked down at Peter, sleeping peacefully. If her Pa didn't kill her for what she was about to do, he certainly would. She snatched the necklace from around his neck, and put it around her own. It was a little vial of magic. He didn't need it, he kept it just in case. She did need it.

She stood on her windowsill, took one look back at Peter, and jumped, flying herself to the Jolly Roger. It took a while to get the ship ready to sail while she was alone, she'd done it plenty of times before with her Pa, but never on her own. Once she was done, she took off. She knew how to sail and she knew how to sail well, but she wanted to get where she was going quickly, so she used a bit of magic to help speed along the process. She must have drifted off, because it wasn't long before she was awoken, crashing into the rocks along the shore of Neverland.

The second she stepped off of the ship, she heard the all too familiar swooping of arrows.

"Weapons down, lads!" She called out "It's just me"

"Raelynn?" Felix questioned, emerging from the bushes "What are do you doing here? How are you here? Regina has the place locked up, no one in, no one out, apart from Pan"

Rae pointed to her necklace "I have Pan's magic"

"Well then, what can we do for you?"

"You know there's a war?" Raelynn asked "I was going crazy, stuck at home, not doing anything to help, I know I could sail. I know I could fight but I was kept locked up at home and it was driving me crazy. So I took the Jolly Roger and here I am"

"But how is coming here going to help you with the war?" Felix asked

Raelynn grinned "Every good Captain needs a good crew. You boys gonna help me or not?"

Felix smiled in that unsettling way that he does "Oh, we're in"

"Great" Raelynn smiled, drawing her sword "First I need to make sure you lads haven't gone soft"

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