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You were running through the city streets of Konoha, laughing as you looked back over your shoulder at the man chasing you. You quickly came to a sliding to a stop, hiding in a alley. After the man passed you jumped out, running in the opposite direction. Your music was flowing through your ears as you jumped up on top of a building but froze and let out a soft scream when you saw the man appear in front of you, smirking.

"I got you now (y/n)! There's nothing you can do and nowhere you can run."

You were terrified and took a step back, gulping. The man chasing you was your boyfriend. He was abusive as hell and now that's he's caught you after chasing you for two hours, you knew you were completely fucked. He had already threatened you so at this point, you had two options, die by allowing him to beat you to death or walking backwards off the building. You still had your pride and refused to be killed by some little bitch. So you decided to jump as he began making his way towards you.

"I refuse to die by your hand."

"You're only other option is suicide."


"You won't do it."

"Watch me."

You walked backwards, stepping up onto the ledge. Two people were watching from a distance and after hearing your screaming, they moved closer. The blonde looked at the Ravenette and he nodded and they jumped up onto the building. You smiled and closed your eyes, throwing your arms out to the side.

"I've accepted my fate. I'll no longer be your victim. And if my only way out is suicide, then so be it. I'm just a disappointment to everyone around me anyways. This is my end."

"Yea. Go ahead and put yourself out of your misery. Pathetic. I was going to propose to you."

"Hah. Come here. I need to tell you a secret."

Your eyes opened as the boys ducked down so they weren't seen. The man walked over to you and you grabbed his wrist, pulling out a set of handcuffs before you cuffed your wrist to his. His eyes widened as you grabbed his shirt, smirking.

"Now is my chance to end this. You've fucked up and hurt so many people. So if I have to die avenging their deaths, I'll do so gladly. I'm going down, but I'm taking you with me."

"No! (Y/n) wait we can-"

"Too late, asshole."

You laughed softly at your proclamation before walking backwards off the edge of the roof. The blonde boy's eyes widened and he ran over, grabbing your hand. You blushed as you looked up at him, grinning. You let go of his hand and fell to the ground. As soon as the two of you hit the ground, you disappeared in a puff of smoke as the Raven haired boy walked over to stand next to the blonde.

"A clone?"

"No. It was a shadow clone. Which means she's fine. I've already called the police. We need to get out of here before they show up."

"Itachi I.. I need to find her. I want to know who she is."

"We can get Obito to try to locate her for us. But for right now we have to go."

Deidara nodded and they quickly disappeared, leaving nothing behind. You on the other hand, ran up to the large house in front of you, knocking on the door. You kicked yourself for forgetting your house key as the door opened and you father and mother stood there, sighing as they took in your appearance. Your clothes were all ripped to hell and you were covered in cuts and bruises, as usual.

"What are you doing out so late? And more importantly, why are you so beat up?"

"I um.. I got into a fight with Alex again. But, I made sure he'd never hurt anyone ever again. I had a little help from these two mysterious guys. It's taken care of. Now can I please come inside, eat, shower and go to bed? Naruto is throwing a party for a friend's birthday tomorrow night so I want to make sure I'm rested up."

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