SasukexHyūga!Reader (🍋)

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Just thought I'd put it out there that the reader in this one shot has had previous sexual relations with Itachi.


You were scanning the forest from the top of the tree you were perched on. You activated your Byakugan, your eyes darting around as you searched every inch of the forest. Once you finally realized he was nowhere in the vicinity that your eyes could see, you sighed and relaxed your eyes before jumping down into the trees.

You landed on the branch silently as team seven stopped to look at you. You sighed again, shaking your head. You felt bad in all honesty. You had seen him recently but being alone, you didn't want to get too close and alert him.

"Sorry guys. I still can't find him. Maybe if we go home and come back out-"

"It's been three years! If we quit now we may never find him (y/n)!"

"Naruto, what part of, I'm an Anbu member that everyone thinks is dead do you not understand? Stop throwing my name into the air like that!"

He sighed as he dropped down from the trees and you glanced at Kakashi who was watching you. You sighed and shook your head, dropping down after Naruto.

"Naruto look. I know you miss Sasuke. I do too. But if ninja are around and they hear that I'm alive it's going to create more problems for us. I didn't mean to snap at you. I just feel like shit because I've been stressed out about not being able to find him. I should have went after him that day. But when I saw him it was like a smack to the face. I just couldn't face him. Not like that, alone. I could tell just by looking at him he's gotten stronger and it's kind of scary."

"It's okay. I just.. I promised Sakura I'd bring him home, ya know?"

"We'll get him. I promise. But you three need to go home and rest before you die. Kurama isn't always going to be able to heal you."

You smiled and poked his stomach and he laughed and threw an arm around you and you smiled, leaning into him. You and Naruto had gotten super close lately and there was always a kind of sexual tension between you. But you brushed it off because you didn't have time for relationships of any kind.

"It's getting dark. We should set up camp for a while. Kakashi is probably exhausted. You and I can take first watch so they can rest."

"Alright. Sounds good to me. You can share a tent with me tonight so you don't have to sleep on the ground outside."

"Eh. I'd much rather. No offense Naruto but you snore pretty loud. Sakura is.. well she's kind of a bitch to me for no reason and Kakashi is like fourteen years older than us and our sensei so I'm definitely not sharing a tent with either of those two. Besides, I have my sleeping bag."

"Alright if you're sure."


"Are you two good?"

"Yea. For sure. You guys get some rest. Naruto and I will come wake you when it's time to switch."

"Alright. Goodnight you two."

You smiled at Kakashi before he crawled into his tent. You had already made plans of making Naruto get some rest halfway through the night. He will probably argue but you didn't care. You rested all night last night due to you passing out. So you didn't need to sleep tonight.

"Alright, let's get up into the trees."

"Yea, sure."

You jumped up into the trees and landed on a branch just above camp. You could see everything clearly but it was hidden from the people on the ground. Naruto landed next to you and you smiled as you sat next to him. He smiled over at you and you layed your head on his shoulder as you sat in silence, staring up at the moon.

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