ItachixReader (EDITED)

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"When I tell you to run, you have to run (y/n). Whatever you do, do not look back."

"But Sasuke I.."

"I love you but you have to go. If you don't, Orochimaru is going to kill you."

"Sasuke I love you. Thank you, for everything. Hopefully our paths will cross again one day."

He smiled softly as he leaned down to kiss your forehead and pulled away, sighing quietly.

"I love you too (y/n). Now, run."

You back away from him as your fingers slowly glided against his and you turned, taking off running.

"Don't stop! Keep going!"

You ran and ran for what felt like hours. You could feel yourself slipping into the darkness and jumped up into the trees to rest. You knew Sasuke said not to stop running but if you kept going, you knew you'd die. You were about to sit down when you heard an ear piercing scream not to far from you.

"Shit. Alright medical Ninjutsu, don't fail me now."

You huffed as your whole body became engulfed in a green glow as you continued your journey. You came to a river and dropped down from the trees after checking your surroundings. You could feel yourself getting weak again because some of your wounds were too deep to heal.

A soft sigh escaped your lips as you leaned up against the tree next to you. You were panting heavily and felt blood running down your face and arms. It was flowing at a steady pace and you weren't sure if you'd live to see Sasuke again. Which, completely pissed you off. He risked everything to save you and you couldn't even survive more than two nights.

"Sasuke I'm so sorry. I tried but I can't go on anymore. Maybe its best this way. The only thing I'd be good at now would be being a burden to those around me. I can't even protect myself anymore. I'm almost completely drained of my chakra from trying to heal myself on the run and.."

Your eyelids grew heavy as you heard voices in the distance and moved over to the river. Your body was growing cold and the color was drained from your skin from the lack of blood. A soft sigh of relief left your lips as you realized this was the end of the line for you and you allow your eyes to close as your body fell forward, sending you into a darkness.

The two men that the voices belonged to caught sight of you falling over and looked at each other. The dark haired male frowned as the other nudged him. They weren't expecting visitors at the hideout yet there you were. Once they got closer and noticed your scarred up and bloody body they immediately realized that you in fact were not a visitor but you did appear to be dying.

"Hey Itachi. Should we report this to the leader? Who is she?"

"Go speak with him on this matter. I will deal with the girl."

"As you wish."

Itachi kneeled down next to you and rolled you over carefully as he activated his Sharingan to check your chakra levels. He glanced at the necklace around your neck and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of it. It was something Sasuke had made for you, it was a simple necklace.

Sasuke's name was written in cursive and made out of pure gold. He knew you'd have to leave his side and being your best friend, he wanted you to have something to remind you of him. It was a one of a kind necklace and you loved it very much.

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