Part 1

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My name is Amelia Grey. I am twenty four years old. I live in New York. I survived Hydra. Pierce is after me. He killed my family. I have to kill him. And then my mission will be complete.

It's been two weeks since being on the run. Two weeks of no sleep, second guessing every step. Watching my back at every turn. But tonight I have a meeting with an old friend. A friend who knows exactly what I have been through.

These past two weeks I haven't spent every minute that I have not been running, trying to find info on how to contact this friend of mine. I finally found him. I saw him at a newsstand. With more of their new friends that know the real them. And man have they changed their life around.

Little did I know, they had been waiting to hear from me since finding out I escaped. I still don't know how they know I escaped but they do. They agreed to meet with me to help me. To help me with a fresh new start. Just like they had.

I have a few hours to kill before I make my way to our meeting location. I have checked into a hotel under a fake alias, so I head back and try to rest for a while. The meeting location is a 5 minute walk from my hotel, which is very convenient. I decide it would best suit me if I change. I change into a black and grey stripped hoodie that covers my face. I still have to protect my identity, at least until I can get safe. After changing I start to head to the meeting location to scope it out before our meet.

I arrive at the designated meeting location and see that my friend is already there. Sitting alone, facing the door, so they could watch everyone who enters and leaves.

"Solider, nice to see you again" I say to them.

"Grey, I see you. You are safe." They say with a half smile. Almost like they feel sorry for me.

"Are you alone?" I ask with one eyebrow raised.

"Yes, Amelia. And I have already check the identities of every persons in this place. You are safe with me."

You let out a noticeable sigh of relief. You fell as if you can breath again. You feel safe.

"Now come here, I haven't seen you in 6 years." They say as they open their arms for a hug.

"I really needed one of those. I feel safe now." You embrace your friend and instantly feel weight lifted off your shoulders.

"Now Amelia, this isn't going to be an easy process, it's going to take some time. You are going to have to open up. Tell us what happened. Tell us everything that has happened since Hydra kidnapped you when you were a child."

"Us? Who's us? I thought I could trust you. I thought it was just going to be you today?" You say starting to get nervous and backing way.

"Amelia, you can trust me. I have a team that helped me. They are willing to help you as well."

"I trust you. But promise me this, you don't do this out of pity, because you've gone through this, you do this because we are friends. You do this because you are the only family i have left." You say with a tear in your eye.

"Im doing this because you are my sister and I have to protect you. What ever it takes."

"What ever it takes." You say giving in.

You guys finally get a chance to just talk. Talk about how you escaped, what has happened in the last 6 years.

"Amelia, if you would like, we have a safe place for you to stay, no more running, hiding, you are safe now. I have your back. I will protect you. My team will protect you."

"Under one condition, I don't have to use my powers for bad. Im committing to only using them for the greater good. No more killing. I am not that person anymore. I have finally learned to separate myself from that person. I am done with Hydra and what they have done to me and what they are. I am Amelia Grey, not Metis anymore." You say in a stern but emotional voice.

"Amelia, you do what ever you feel comfortable doing. I am beyond impressed that you separated yourself from Metis by yourself. The offer still stands, you are safe now. You will forever be safe with me."

You take your friends hand and accept their invitation. You first make a stop at the hotel you have been staying at to collect your belongings. Which are slim to none because you have been on the run the past two weeks.

"Amelia, all of your belongings fit into that backpack? Thats all you have had these past 2 weeks?"

"Yes, I haven't had the money to go buy new things, and I have tried to keep it light because it makes it easier on the run. Now I have everything, where are we headed?" You ask with a puzzled look on your face?

"Just follow me."

You follow your friend for at least 5 minutes walking down the street of New York. At one point they had grabbed your hand, and you have not released it yet. You feel safe with them, and most importantly you trust them. You haven't trusted anyone since they left years ago. So being back with them, just feels right.

"Alright, I need to know where we are going to ease my anxiety and fear."

"We are going there Amelia." Your friends points up at the Avengers tower.

"Wait, you are an Avenger now? How come you never told me?" you say shocked.

"I guess i thought you would have known by now." They stop and look at you.

"Im just messing with you, I found out 3 days ago when I got to the hotel and saw your picture on a newspaper on my nightstand!"

"Im so glad you still have that same sense of humor you did all those years ago. Now how about we go and get you settled into your new safe and protected home?" They say with a wink.


You both are still holding onto each other. You enter the building with a swipe of your friends key card. By the time you can rethink your steps, you are already on an elevator. Which you haven't been on before. You begin to get nervous, start to feel like you are about to blackout, but you hear your friend talking to you.

"Now, I am just going to warn you, you are going to get a lot of questions. If you don't feel like answering them, just look at me. I have your back. I am here for you. Understand? I am not going anywhere." They say squeezing your hand.

"understood. How many others are there? And how do they know they can trust an ex-hydra agent?"

"There are 11 of us total, but only 10 if us life here full-time. They can trust you because they trust me. And I was pretty messed up when I got here."

By the time you are about to ask another question, the elevator dings, indicating that you have reached the floor. You exit the elevator and see everyone looking at you. You turn to your friend and they give you a smile, to let you know you can trust them.

"Bucky, who's our new friend you've got there?" A man with a light bulb in his chest asks.

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