Part 5

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The night with the Captain continued on the couch. Nothing more really came of it. You would talk, make out, talk some more, and eventually you two decided to watch a movie.

"Steve, what are we going to? It's been a week and I feel like i've known you longer the I have known Buck." You say looking up at Steve.

"What do you mean? Us? I know that me kissing you just complicated a lot. I know you still have some things to work out, answers to find, people to find, and most importantly to find the real you. To find your story. To find who the Amelia was before Hydra. But I can tell you this, I want to be by your side the whole way. As a friend or maybe something more, but I am going to let you decide." He takes your face in his hands and just looks into your eyes with his steel blue pools.

"Steve, I want you by my side. through it all. You are already helping me find those answers. And you kissing me did not complicate things. It made things more clear. I don't care about my past. I know who I am thanks to you."

"Ok then, we will just see where this goes then." He says still looking at you.

"Yes we will." You take his face in your hands, just like he still has yours, and bring him closer and kiss him.

You two both fall asleep watching the movie, while will on the couch.

You wake up to chit chat coming from the kitchen. You roll over and realize you are wrapped in Steve's arms with a blanket over you too. "Steve must have fallen asleep after me and grabbed a blanket" you think to yourself. You get up and make your way to the kitchen where Natasha and Wanda are sipping their coffee.

"I see you two did not make it back to your own quarters last night?" Natasha says with an eyebrow raised.

"Your observations are correct." You say trying to hide your red cheeks while pouring a cup of coffee for yourself.

"Soooo, what happened? I need all the details." Wanda says hopping up and down with excitement.

"Why don't you step away from the coffee and I will tell you."

"Tell Wanda what?" Steve says sneaking in behind you.

"Oh well good morning to you too sunshine." You say trying to think of a reply.

"Well I could have had more sleep if there wasn't so much squealing happening in the kitchen."

"Wanda, do you still have my black jacket with the hidden compartments in your room? DO you mind if we go get it so I can have it for the mission tonight?" Natasha says guiding Wanda out.

You notice that they are both laughing while walking out towards the quarters.

"What was that about?" Steve questions with a cheeky smile on his face.

"That was what we girls do when you find out one for your friends potentially has a crush or something happens with a boy." You say walking out to go find the girls.

"You're going to tell them aren't you?"

"I'm going to tell them that I found out this guy likes me and we kissed. And I may tell them that I like him back and I kissed him too. But I also do need to go help Wanda find this special jacket, because I'm pretty sure its in my closet not hers."

You enter the room and see that Wanda has all her clothes spread across the room, but you have the jacket in your hand.

"Wan it's right here." you say laughing.

"How the heck did you find it so fast?!"

"You let me borrow it the other day, and I forgot to return it."

"And now you can spill everything while I clean this mess up."

Natasha joins in and sits on the end of the bed. You sit next to her and immediately feel giddy, butterflies in your stomach. You have never had this feeling before. You tell them everything that happened last night. And they all laugh. They are just as giddy as you are. Nat tells you that Steve has never really opened up to anyone before you, not even her, his closest friend.

Everyone starts to get ready for the mission. Nat goes down to the gym to get some last minute training, Bruce goes over some last minute logistics, Tony polishes his suit, and Steve goes over the plans one last time. Bucky and Thor are getting the Quinjet ready. Everyone had a job except you. You start to get nervous. What if they find more info about your past. What if they don't find any answers, or what if it all goes down hill, what if someone gets hurt, what if Steve gets hurt. You start to get light headed, your limbs start to feel weak. You collapse on the ground, head in your knees, when you start to see a glimpse of something, something that seems familiar.

You see yourself, running from something. Running from a car. Not a car from these times, but a long time ago. You see the license plate, it says New Jersey. You see the driver, they are in a uniform. A military uniform, but different. You see a sign, it says "Camp Lehigh".

You come out of it with Steve screaming your name. "Amelia, Amelia, look at me. Look at me!"


"I'm right here. You're ok." He takes you in and hugs you. "What happened?"

"I remembered something. I think. It was me and it felt real, or like it has happened before"

"They wiped out memories while we were with Hydra. Mine all came back one by one, this could be her memories coming back together." Bucky says.

"What did you see?" Bruce says taking off his glasses.

"I-I-I" you start to shake.

"Why don't we go sit, maybe get some water?" tony comes in a helps you to the kitchen where he sits you down and gets you some water. Steves hand never leaves your lower back. He's concerned and you can see it on his face.

"When you are ready, why don't you tell us what you saw." Bruce says sitting down next to you.

"But when you are ready ok, don't stress out too much." Steve says placing his hand on your knees.

You take a deep breath, look in Steve's eyes, which feels safe. "I was running from and older car. The license plate said New Jersey on it. There was a solider driving it, but his uniform was different. There was a sign and it said Camp Lehigh, which isn't that where the mission is tonight?"

Everyone looks at each other with a questionable look on their faces.

"That's exactly where we are going tonight. Wait in on of the files there was a picture of a car!" Steve runs off to get the file, and brings it back. "Did it look like this?" He shows you the picture.

"Steve, that's the one, and that is the man who was driving it." You say taking the picture.

"I don't understand, that's Howard. Why was he chasing Amelia?" Bruce says

"What happened there?" You ask with a questionable look.

"Its where I trained, where I became Captain America." Steve says standing up, pacing.

"We have 2 hours until we are set to leave. We need to find out as much as we can before we leave. And when we get there, Amelia, we will find put as much as we can. Do not stress." Steve takes your hand and kisses it. "You are safe now. I've got you" He pulls you into a hug.

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