Part 2

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"Tony, this is an old friend. Amelia Grey. She's got a past very similar to myself." Bucky says as he looks at Amelia.

"Well Amelia, welcome to Avengers Tower. I'm Tony. Tony Stark. Nice to meet you." He says shaking your hand.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Stark."

"We have a room set up for you already. Take your time, get comfortable. I've heard you have had an eventful last couple of weeks."

"Thank you Mr. Stark for opening your home to me."

"Any friend of Bucky's is a friend of mine. Now, Bucky, why don't you show Amelia to her quarters?"

Bucky takes your hand again, leading you down a long hallway. There are multiple doors down this hallway. You could only think that they were different rooms. You think to yourself "I wonder how far away Bucky's room is." By the time you finish your though you feel Bucky stop leading you forward.

"This is you! Now, don't worry, I am this door here." As he pats a door right next to yours. "All you need is inside. There is a ensuite bathroom. The only amenity not in your room is a kitchen and a laundry room. Those are down the hall the the right."

"Thank you, Bucky. This means a lot. So is there anything I should be aware of?"

"Yes actually. Just a heads up, anything in the kitchen is free reign as long as it does not have someones name on it. And do not by any means take Banner's items. We try to not make him mad."

"What happens if you make him mad?"

"You'll find out tomorrow when you meet the rest of the team. They are on mission right now. When they come back, I'll introduce you to everyone. But for right now, go get some shut eye. I'll come get you in a few hours to make dinner."

"Sounds like a plan."

You enter your room. It's decorated nicely. Neutral colors. Light and airy. Just the way you like it. You go and find the bathroom, its the biggest bathroom you've ever seen. the shower is bigger than the cell you had while in Hydra. You take the first hot shower you've had in weeks. You find a robe, put it on and walk out to your room. You suddenly feel a wave of exhaustion come over you. You finally fall asleep for the first time in a while.

You wake up to a knocking sound at your door.

"Amelia, its Buck, dinner is ready if you would like to come eat with us. It's just tony and I tonight."

You realize you had fallen asleep, so you get up and adjust your robe as you go to open your door.

"Hey, sorry I must have fallen asleep. Give me a few minutes to get some clothes on and I'll meet you in the kitchen. What are we having?"
"I ordered pizza. I remembered you telling me, before you were taken by Hydra, you loved pepperoni pizza with extra pineapple on it. So that's what we are having."

"You remembered?"

"Amelia, you are like a sister to me. Your favorite color is green. You're a doer. You love to bake. You always sleep with the windows open. You never take sugar in your coffee. You always double tie your shoe laces. I remember because you saved me, now it's my turn to return the favor."

You stop and look at Bucky, and hug him.

"I don't know what to say."

"Just get dressed. Dinner is getting cold."

Bucky leaves after kissing the top of your head. You grab a t-shirt and sweatpants and head to the kitchen.

"Look who it is! She's all rested, and ready to eat I hope!" Tony says showing all the pizza they had ordered.

"Uhhh Bucky, Mr. Stark, this is way too much pizza for the three of us."

"We just wanted to make sure that there was enough." Bucky says shrugging his shoulders.

"Well Buck, I do believe 25 pizzas are more than enough for three people."

Tony hands you a plate, Bucky puts a couple pieces for pizza on it.

"Ive forgotten how much I miss pizza. Thank you both for this."

The three of you collaboratively eat five of the twenty five pizzas. You sit back in your chair and just look around. You take in your surroundings. Your new home.

"Everything over there okay, friend of Bucky's?" Tony asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, uh, yes sir. I was just taking it all in. I am very thankful for all that you have done for me so far. For taking me in. For giving me a place to stay. A safe place to stay."

"Well, Amelia, there is one condition that I would like to talk to you about. Bucky told me about your past. Where you have come from, what you have done, how you escaped. I would like to, when Dr. Banner returns from his mission tomorrow, sit down and talk about your past. Nothing too intrusive, just get a baseline. You don't have to tell Dr. Banner and I everything just yet, just enough to help your training."

"i think i can agree to those terms. Just under one condition, I want just you and Dr. banner to know my past. Yes, Bucky knows some of it, but not the past six years. I would like to keep it that way. I'm sorry Buck, it's just safer that way. And what training? I was not informed of any training."

"Amelia, I want what ever you fell comfortable doing, and if that means I sit out for this, I will sit out. No questions asked."Bucky says while squeezing your hand.

"Training, as in you are apart of the Avengers team. We find your strengths, your weaknesses, and possibly new tactics. We are a team here everyone helps everyone. But we won't train until we know your past, and know what you are comfortable with."

You sit back and look in-between both Bucky and Tony, thinking. You've never had the option to decide on training. It was always forced. You don't technically know your strengths and weakness. All that you have known is Hydra. Is what Metis was, and you do not want to relive any of it.

"Deal. But I have to be honest, I don't know what I will bring to the team. I don't know what I am anymore since escaping."

"We will cross that road when you get there. For now, why don't you go rest some before tomorrow. The team is projected to get back later tonight. So until the morning rest up. Tomorrow is a big day." Tony says cleaning up dinner.

"I'll walk you back to your room Amelia."

Bucky walks you back to your room in silence. You both stop and look at each other.

"Amelia, take your time tomorrow. You are in charge of your life now. You are safe."

You nod your head in agreement and enter your bedroom. "Bucky, thank you."

You lay on your bed and instantly fall asleep.

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