Part 4

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It's been a week since you have arrived at the tower. The team has welcomed you with open arms. Tony and Bruce are still running tests. They found you have all the same "powers" as Bucky and Steve, but stronger. You only used them to see exactly how strong you were. Of course Bucky took on the challenge, as he already knew the answer. Let's just say, you grew stronger over the years. Bucky and his arm were on the other side of the room at the end of the training exercise.

You are now in the gym letting out your frustrations on the punching bag. It has been hard to keep your thoughts clear since opening up to Tony and Bruce.

"Tough day?" Steve asks sneaking up behind you.

You've recently let Steve in. He knows everything Bucky knows.

"Yeah." So say sending yet another punch into the bag.

"You know, you can't stay in the tower for forever. You have to get out at some point. It can help you feel normal again." Steve says with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes I know. i just can't risk getting caught. Not yet." You pause from hitting the bag and look up at him. "Wait are YOU trying to get me out of here?"

"Um maybe? I just thought I could show you around the city. But I get it if you don't want to risk it. But if you do, just let me know. Oh and also, take it easy on the bags. Between you and I, we are down to those last two." He says with a laugh walking out.

At that moment the bag you are punching flies off the chain.

"Now the one!" You say to Steve, but he's already out the door.

You clean up the gym from your work out. Stack up the punching bags that have served their purpose and sweep up the sand on the floor. You would think with having two, now three super soldiers in the tower now, they would find a better solution. You head up to the kitchen where you realize that everyone is there having lunch.

"Afternoon everyone!" you say entering the room

"Afternoon Amelia. Destroy anymore bags?" Tony laughs.

"Just a few. We may need to get some more."

"I'll have F.R.I.D.A.Y. order us some more. In the meantime, why don't you join us. Wanda made pasta."

"I would love too."

You sit down between Bucky and Steve. You start to listen in to the conversation that the team is having. They are talking about their next mission. You don't know what it is yet, but it sounds important.

Bucky looks over at you realizing that you are listening in. "They are going to try and find more information about Metis. They are talking about raiding an old Hydra base, that was used to experiment on people like us in the beginning."

"Why are they trying to find out information about who I used to be?"

"To better understand who you are. They don't know what all you can do, just yet. They are hoping that by raiding this base, they can find more information in what happened to you. And maybe information on the super solider serum so it could help all of us."

"Amelia, do you think you can help us?" Steve says giving you a worried but helpful look.

"I'm not sure if I can. I don't remember much about the beginning when Hydra started injecting me. All I remember is the room, the faces, and being in pain."

"Anything could help. If you feel up to it, you are welcome to come with us, or if you'd feel more comfortable, we can have you stay here with Banner, and you can watch on the comms."

"I want to help, but I don't think I am ready to go on a mission yet."

"Then I will be with you." Banner says

The rest of the afternoon the team spend relaxing, preparing for the mission ahead. You snuck out to the balcony where you listened to the sounds of the street, and everyone having a good time inside.

"Didn't you sneak out quietly?"

"Steve, how did I know you would find me some how?"

"I know you don't like crowds. And you like fresh air when you get stressed."

"I swear in the past week, you have learned more about me than I have learned about myself."

"Ive been in your shoes. Well sort of. My experience was different, but coming back to normal life, is a big change."

"Steve, how'd you do it?"

"Sometimes I am not sure. Then I look at the team and think how they helped me, they listened to me, and the accepted me for me." He squeezes your hand.

"I hope I can find my new normal soon. I know I've been here for a week, but its been difficult to adjust. Meeting the whole team, getting into a routine, trying to find my new normal."

"It doesn't come over night. I can tell you that. But I am here if you ever want to talk, or just need someone to sit with you."

"Thank you Steve. You really have become a good friend." Amelia smiles and squeezes his hand back.

"What do you say, want to get back in there? I think Thor is about to break out his famous dance moves."

The night goes on. One after another the team heads to their quarters. By the time almost everyone is gone it is just you, Bucky, Wanda, and Steve left. Wanda soon gives in and heads to her quarter.

"Well friends, I am going to follow. You two super soldiers don't have too much fun. Steve that's my sister right there, don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Bucky exists the common area with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Whats up with him? He's been acting weird this afternoon. Ever since I agreed to helping on this mission, he's been almost paranoid something is going to happen to me."

"That's just Bucky. He always acts that way with people he cares about. But it has gotten worse since you got here. He really thinks of you as a sister."

"Does he? We really didn't get along well back then. But then again we were almost always on a mission or fighting each other. We had our down time together but it was always spent it talking about what our lives were like before everything happened."

"Do I know what your life was like before?"

"You know everything Bucky knows. Steve, you and bucky are the most important people in my life now. Thats why I can't go on the mission. I don't know what being at that base will do to me. And i can't risk your safety." You say moving closer to him.

"My safety?" Steve raises an eyebrow.

"You knew what I meant."

"Oh did I?"

Steve moves closer. The gap between you is slim to none.

"Steve, what are you doing?"


He leans in, and seals the space between the two of you with a kiss.

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