Chapter Three

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Camila's POV

I'm shocked when I hear the door open and see my former worst enemy, Lauren Jauregui, standing there. I never thought that I would meet her again after she moved away, and our history isn't exactly the best.

I do have to admit, though, she's grown up to look like a model. She's absolutely gorgeous. Could this even be the same girl who I had a major rivalry with in elementary school? Time seems to stand still for a few seconds as I check her out, before she breaks the silence.

"Camila?" She asks, looking at me. I realize that I'm still laying on my bed, so I stand up and walk over to her. Her parents stand behind her, and they all walk into the room together.

"Lauren?" I ask, a slight smirk on my lips. Wow, I think. She's even more beautiful up close. "Never thought I'd see you again."

And then it hits me: Lauren must've been the girl I had seen in the parking lot! I knew there was something familiar about her... It's strange how these things work out, but I guess it's just fate or the universe or whatever.

Her parents look at her questioningly. "You know your roommate already?" Her mom asks, smiling at me politely. I'm relieved and surprised she doesn't remember me, after all of the things Lauren and I had been through.

"Uh, we went to the same school when we lived in Miami." Lauren explains, setting her bags down. She quickly looks at me up and down, and I almost see a flicker of a smile on her face. I notice that she has piercing green eyes, something that I had never realized in the years we had known each other before.

"Oh, it's good that you know at least one person here!" Her dad says, grinning at me as well.

"Yeah, great." Lauren says, slightly sarcastically, but her parents don't catch it. "So, is there anything else you have to stay around for? Or is this goodbye?" Lauren asks, turning to her parents.

"I think this is it, unless you need anything." Her mom says.

She thinks for a moment. "Nope." Lauren gives her parents a big group hug, and even though it's brief, I feel awkward standing there. It's as if I'm intruding or something.

Her mom kisses her on the cheek. "I'll miss you so much."

"I know you'll love it here, Lauren." Mr. Jauregui says. "Don't forget to call us every night." He chuckles.

"I won't, and I'll miss you too." Lauren laughs, and gives them one last hug.

After the goodbyes are done, Lauren closes the door and turns around to me.

"This is crazy." She mutters, walking over to her bed on the other side of the room. "Out of everyone in this gigantic university, I'm stuck in a dorm with you!"

"How dare you say that!" I fake being hurt, and gasp. She looks up at me and smiles a little. Is it bad that I've missed seeing her smile after all these years we've been apart? I mean, we used to hate each other, but that can change, right?

"It's been almost four years since you moved." I say, stating the obvious.

"Yeah." Lauren responds. "You've changed a lot." I can only hope that she means that in a good way.

"Well, you've definitely changed quite a bit, too." I say, looking at her again. I actually can't seem to take my eyes off of her, as of the last ten minutes that she's been here.

Our eyes meet and she knows that I was checking her out. I begin to blush and look down at my feet. Lauren clears her throat and grabs her phone out of her pocket, checking the time.

"It's almost five, that means freshman orientation and dinner are soon." She says, getting up. "I should probably find something to wear."

We both start rummaging through of many bags, looking for a suitable outfit. I can't stop myself from thinking about the possibility of me and Lauren..maybe..being something more than friends. We already seem to be more than enemies now, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

Something about her is special, though, and I want to know more about this Lauren. Not the Lauren who I disliked and who disliked me as well. But the Lauren who seemed like she'd give me a second chance, who I could also forgive.

We get changed, backs facing each other. I want to turn around, make this less uncomfortable, but I don't think that's possible.

I look at the time my phone; 4:40. I also see that I already have a text from one of my closest friends, Marielle: How is it so far? Have you met your roommate yet? Wish we could be closer :'(( Marielle is going to college in Chicago, so we're obviously pretty far apart at the moment. I text back: Yeah, I'll tell you more about it later because the story is pretty insane.

"We should get going." I say, opening the door.

Lauren runs her fingers through her hair and follows after me. The walk there is spent with us talking about how we've been for the past few years, basic things like school and our friends. I bring up one of the many fights we had in middle school, and she laughs. She probably has the cutest laugh out of anyone I've ever met.

I can't help but think that I'm falling for her too fast. I mean, we used to hate each other, and I barely know her now. Why do I feel such an attraction to her? It's unexplainable. All I can think about is that I can't wait to see what this year will hold for me, and for us.


So they finally meet! I promise this story will start getting more exciting, especially in the next chapter. 💖

I hope you liked this, and chapter four will be up soon! :-)


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