Chapter Four

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Lauren's POV

When we arrive at the orientation, we take our seats next to a girl who has dark skin and perfectly wavy hair. She looks like she would be nice enough.

As soon as we sit down, the president of the university begins talking. After the boring but not too long orientation, I get a chance to chat with the girl beside me.

"Well, that was painfully boring." I say, laughing a little.

She giggles in response. "Yeah, definitely." She looks at me and Camila. "I'm Normani."

"I'm Lauren." I introduce myself as well.

"And I'm Camila, but you can call me tonight." She says jokingly, winking. We all laugh, following the crowd into the dining hall.

We sit at a table occupied by two other girls who had also just got there.

"Hey," The shorter girl greets us with a smile. She has tan skin and brown hair streaked with some blond, and a dazzling smile. How is it that every girl here is so pretty? "I'm Ally."

"I'm Dinah." The other girl says. She has a caramel skin tone and almost all-blonde hair. "Wow, they're serving us dinner right to the table. Fancy stuff." She says, half-jokingly.

Normani, Camila, and I introduce ourselves to Ally and Dinah. I'm glad I've already found some nice people at this university, and that not everyone is a jerk.

"I wouldn't even mind if they just served us chicken wings for dinner." Normani says.

Dinah laughs. "They could serve chicken wings every night and I wouldn't complain!"

Over dinner, we learn more about each other and bond over things we have in common. Like that Ally and Dinah both lived in Texas, and Normani and Dinah share a strong love for Beyoncè.

I never would've thought I could get along with Camila after our past experiences, but we seem to have a lot in common. We like reading, have similar tastes in music...I regret not getting to know her better back when I lived in Miami. Maybe we wouldn't have been enemies if we weren't both so stubborn.

But obviously, I've changed. And Camila has, too, and hopefully that means we can be friends. Or maybe, more than friends. At least that's what I secretly wished, but hitting on Camila now would be too soon..or would it?


We walk back to our dorms together after the dinner, because all freshman girls live in the same large building. We say goodnight, and I know I'll be seeing them around again. Definitely. It feels good to have new friends, a fresh start.

"I'm glad things aren't awkward between us." Camila says when we walk into our dorm. "After all the fighting we used to do.." Her sentence trails off.

"We were stupid kids." I say, sitting down on my bed.

"Yeah." She responds, and I can tell she's smiling just by the way she says it. "So, do you have a hottie back home? In Tampa?" She asks, breaking the serious mood.

I shake my head, smiling. "Nope. I'm single." I see a twinkle in her eyes, and she smirks slightly. Like she's being a little flirty.

"Oh, that's surprising." She says, and I give her a confused look. "I mean, you're so pretty that I find it hard to believe you're not with anyone. And you seem like an okay person, I guess." She says the last part jokingly.

"Hey!" I say, pretending to be hurt. Still, she called me pretty. And the possibility that she's flirting with me? I'm not complaining.

"What about you?" I ask her after a moment.

"I'm not seeing anyone at the moment, either." She replies. "I had a girlfriend last year, but she was sort of crazy." She giggles, looking down.

"That's interesting." I say. "I definitely know about crazy ex-girlfriends." I recall the girl I dated for a short time during my sophomore year who was an absolute mess when I said we should break up. Long story short, I ended up having to get my phone number changed.

I get up from my bed to go into the bathroom. I need to take off my makeup and get ready for bed.

Camila comes in a couple minutes later to do the same, and she looks over at my reflection in the mirror.

"You have gorgeous eyes." She comments, taking off her eye makeup.

"So do you." I say, and she does. Brown eyes always look stunning in the sunlight, because they turn a beautiful golden-brown color.

"Please, my brown eyes are like the color of a muddy pond." Camila scoffs, and throws away her makeup wipe.

"No they're not!" I argue. "Plus, I've always had a thing for brown-eyes girls." That part sort of slips out, but I'm glad I said it.

"Oh really?" Camila asks, an alluring look on her face. "Because it just so happens that I like girls with green eyes." All of the sudden, her lips are pressed against mine, and they're moving against each other in perfect rhythm.

I'm taken a bit by surprise at first, but then I relax into the kiss. I pull away after a few seconds, looking Camila in the eyes. I can tell she enjoyed that as much as I did.

All she says is, "Whoa." before we continue kissing again. Something about her is so magnetic, like I'm being pulled toward her and I can't resist it.

I don't want our little make out session to end, but it really is getting late, and tomorrow is our first day of classes.

"Wow, who would've known Lauren Jauregui, my childhood enemy, is such good kisser." Camila says, changing into her pajamas.

I give her a flirtatious smile in response. I turn out the lights and we both climb into our beds, and I'm glad I brought my own bedding. It feels more like home.

I start thinking about home, and remember to send my parents a text saying that I've already met some new people and I'm excited for my classes, just to assure them that I'm doing fine. Actually, I'd say I'm doing more than fine.

"Goodnight, Camila." I say in the dark.

"Night, Lauren." She responds. "Sleep tight."

The last thing I think about before slowly falling to sleep is the feeling of Camila's soft lips against mine.


Ooh is it hot in here or is it just Camren? ;)) Haha, well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading!!


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