Chapter Nine

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Lauren's POV

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask Camila, holding up my iPad. "I have Netflix." I've finally finished my essay, and for once, I have free time before bed.

"Of course!" She replies, closing her laptop. "I'm already procrastinating anyway, and Netflix is my weakness."

Camila and I have really grown closer ever since the incident with Adrianne a couple weeks ago. I feel like I can really be myself around her.

Plus, we've only seen Adrianne once since then, and she didn't even approach us. It was in the dining hall, and all she did was glance at us with a sneer.

"Hmmm..." I scroll through some movies, trying to decide which one to watch. "Any suggestions?" I ask Camila.

"The Fault in Our Stars!" She jumps up from the floor, and comes over to my bed.

"You're such a white girl." I claim, scooting over. Camila makes a pouty face at me. "Fine!" I say. "I can't say no when you look at me like that." She grins smugly.

I start the movie, resting the iPad on my knees. Camila leans her head on my shoulder, and I press a kiss to the top of her head.

I've never seen The Fault in Our Stars before, and I have to admit it's pretty good but sad as well. I'm not usually one to cry during movies, but I almost do when Augustus dies. Almost.

When it's over, Camila grabs a tissue and wipes her eyes. "How are you not crying?" She asks.

I shrug. "I don't cry easily."

"Well, we all know that I do." She laughs, but I can tell that there's pain hidden behind her smile.

"Camila," I say, picking up on the fact that something seems to be wrong. "It's okay to be sad. You don't have to hide it." I'm quiet for a while before saying, "I know that being near Adrianne makes you uneasy."

We sit in silence , fingers interlocked. "I just...I don't want you to think I'm too emotional." She finally says. "I don't want you to leave me."

"I won't leave you. Trust me." I reassure her, giving her hand a squeeze.

"I've had problems with trust for a while." Camila says quietly before hesitating. "But...I trust you Lauren."

Camila's trust is one of the most important things to me. Our relationship has grown a lot in the past couples months.

We lay there for a while, and I don't care that we're not talking. Sometimes it's just nice to be quiet, especially with someone special to you.

Camila sits up first. "Well, it's almost 11." She sighs. "Ugh, I have a class at 7:30 tomorrow morning! I better get to sleep."

I get up, too. "Yeah, I have to wake up early."

As Camila and I are getting ready for bed, my phone vibrates. I pick it up to see that I have a text from a number I don't know.

"Hey ;)" The message says. Wow, a winky face. It's probably just a boy from one of my classes.

"Who is this?" I reply, because I'm curious as to who it is and how they got my number.

Nearly a minute later I get a response I was not expecting.

"Adrianne. I don't think you noticed, but I'm in a literature class with you."

I'm surprised at first. I turn off my phone and put in on the side table.

Who gave her my number? Why is she even texting me? I have so many questions running through my head, but my thoughts are cut off by Camila.

"What's wrong? You look startled." She asks me.

"Oh, my friend just texted me." I quickly make up a story. "She just told me her dog died. It's...really sad. Yeah."

I'm obviously not the best liar, but I hope Camila buys it. I don't want her to get worried about Adrianne texting me. I know Camila said she trusts me, but it feels wrong to tell her and get her more stressed over the situation.

Still, I feel bad lying to her, but I push my guilty feelings away.

"Aw, that sucks." Camila says, shaking her head. "I used to have a dog, too, but we had to put her down. Tell her I know how it feels and I'm sorry."

"I definitely will." Another lie.

I smile at her sympathetically and grab my phone. I text Adrianne back "Why are you texting me? And how did you get my number?"

I wait eagerly for a response, and immediately read it when I get one.

"I got it from Kaitlyn in our class. And I just wanted to say, about what happened at dinner that one night...I came off as a little bit crazy. Sorry."

A little bit crazy? That's a big understatement. How about completely insane?

And why was Adrianne apologizing to me? I mean, it mostly hurt Camila. She should be talking to her, even though I know Camila has enough sense not to trust her.

It's all just a little strange and unexpected. I try thinking of a response that was somewhere between "okay bye" and "never talk to me again".

Eventually I give up and decide to just
ignore. Hopefully Adrianne will get the hint that neither me or Camila want nothing to do with her.

I still feel a twinge of guilt, though, as I try to sleep. Is hiding things from Camila really helping her or is it hurting her even more?


Sorry that I haven't updated in a couple weeks! I've been really busy, but I promise that there are more chapters soon to come. :)

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