Chapter Six

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Lauren's POV

I'm up against the door, listening in on Ally and Camila's conversation. I'm not usually one to eavesdrop, but I can't believe what I'm hearing! Camila likes me?

I have to admit, I have feelings for her as well, which barely happens for me, let alone so quickly. I thought what happened last night was just a little one-time kiss. Although, I actually felt something when I kissed Camila. It was electric, and I can't deny that I'm falling for her, too.

I hear the doorknob twisting, so I immediately jump onto my bed and try to look casual, picking up my book.

Camila walks in and gives me a strange look. "Do you usually read your books upside-down?"

I force a smile, turning the book. "Oh yeah, always." I say sarcastically. "So, how were your classes?"

"Pretty awesome." Camila says, sitting down on her bed. "The teachers here actually aren't lame!"

"Yeah, I can agree with that." I reply, before pausing for a few seconds. "So, I think we have a class tomorrow together. A poetry class."

"Ooh, I didn't know you were in that." She responds, a playful look on her face. "Or into poetry."

"I had no idea you were into poetry." I say, pointing to her.

"Well, there's a lot you don't know about me." Camila says, and winks. I chuckle a little, knowing she meant it as a joke, even though it was true.

Camila is a little mysterious. Even though I basically know her feelings for me, I still don't know if she's my type. I guess only time can tell.

I sigh internally, and close my eyes for a little bit to clear the confusing thoughts from my mind.

Camila's POV

After waking up from a short nap, I realize I should start my small, first day homework assignments before dinner.

I go to my email and open the link to the song Ms. Lovato sent us, which is "Over my head" by The Fray. I had heard a couple songs by them, but not this one.

Through my earbuds, I hear the song starting. It has a slow yet catchy beat that I like. The singing begins, and I can't help but think that the lyrics describe Lauren and I's relationship. Well, whatever our "relationship" may be.


Later that week, I'm in the dining hall with Lauren, Ally, Dinah, and Normani. We're all just chatting about our day and other people when Dinah's phone vibrates.

"Ooh!" She says, picking it up quickly. "It's Cooper." She can't hide her smile.

"Ooh, Cooper." I say, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively. Dinah has developed quite a crush on the boy in one of her classes.

Dinah swats at me playfully before turning back to her phone.

"Okay, he says there's a party on Friday night a his frat house. There's gonna be a lot of people." Dinah says, reading her phone screen.

"Sounds fun!" Ally says. "I'll go."

"Yeah, I'll be there." Normani adds in, after taking a sip of water.

I think for a second. I mean, what else would I be doing? I decide I'll just go because it could be fun. "Sure, count me in." I say with a smile.

"Ehh..." Lauren shrugs, putting down her apple slice. "I'm not really one for parties."

"C'mon Lauren!" I encourage her. "I bet it'll be fun."

"Yeah, it's our first college party!" Dinah points out excitedly. "Plus, there'll be some hot guys." She winks.

"I'm not really interested in men." Lauren says.

"Well, I've seen some pretty cute girls around campus. I'm sure they'll be there." Dinah says to her. "Or, if you're not even looking for anyone, we can just chill! Enjoy the party and dance."
Dinah starts doing the nae nae in her seat to demonstrate, and we all laugh at her attempt.

"Okay, I guess I'll go." Lauren says at last, giving in.

"I'm so excited!" Ally says. "But I'll act casual so I don't seem dorky."

"I'll probably end up embarrassing myself with my dancing, but whatever!" I say, and we all laugh. It feels good to have a group of friends who laugh with me and accept me.

I decide that I'm going to make my move tomorrow night at the party and tell Lauren how I feel. I need to take chances instead of just waiting for things to happen. All I hope is that she feels the same way and that I don't ruin our friendship if the feeling isn't mutual.


Hope you liked this chapter! The next one will be pretty interesting, so watch out for that.

Thanks for reading!


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