Request for hallohellohola

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Sophie's POV:-

I was having a terrible day. 

First off, my face is all swollen up and I look funny because I got my wisdom teeth out three days ago. Secondly, it still hurts. I have a bad taste of blood in my mouth and it hurts all over, not only the extraction site, but my temples, my ears, my jaw. It's giving me a massive headache.

My dad told me to get checked at the dentist, who is his best friend, so I can just run in. I drive to the office and turns out he was free.

"What's wrong Sophie? Your dad said you can't even sleep with pain.", he frowns, motioning for me to take a seat. 

"Yeah, it hurts really bad."

"Where?", he asks while sitting down on the stool and sliding his gloves on. 

I tell him everything. 

"Okay let me take a quick look."

After examining my mouth, he sighed.

"I'm so sorry dear, you've got two dry sockets."

I groan. Why me?

"I know, it sucks.", he pats my arm before getting up. "That's why you're in so much pain."

"You can fix it?", I ask slowly, rubbing it at my jaw.

"Of course, nothing we can't fix. But right now I have a meeting, I can't miss it.", he says. "But your dry sockets have to be fixed as soon as possible..hmm.."

I watched him take a walk around thinking. "Oh yes, Harry!"

"Harry?", I ask. 

"Yeah he's sitting at home watching the Notebook again. I'll tell him to come over!", he smiled and took out his phone without my consent.

I blush thinking about it. Harry and I basically grew up together because our fathers are best friends and he's a really sweet guy. But I don't think he knows that I have a long time crush on him. He's also a dentist.

Oh ewww. Now he's going to see the horrible dry sockets of mine.

Worst day ever.

Harry came in fifteen minutes later.

"Dad it was my off day!", he protests as soon as he comes in.

"This'll just take an hour.", he waves it off.

"I can come back some time?", I offer, and both of them look at me. Harry smiled. "Oh please Soph, I was just kidding. Don't want you in pain any longer."

I smile back and Harry leaned do hug me and kiss my cheek. 

"So, I have no time so listen.", his dad says, and Harry turns back to him nodding. "I extracted two of her wisdom teeth, top, either side three days back and now both of them are dry sockets. So you have to-"

"-drain it and dress it, I know. Geez, it must be painful.", he winced looking at me.

"No kidding."

"Okay great. Then I'm going, feel free to slap him if he messes up which I trust you won't Harry.", his dad says.

"I won't dad, I'll take care of her. Bye."

"Bye, bye darling."

"Byee.", I drawl out and he smiled before going out. 

"He thinks he is the best of all dentists.", Harry says, going to the sink to wash his hands. I laugh. "You also think the same."

"Guess we're a family of cockiness."

We laugh. "Heard you were watching the Notebook again.", I say.

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