Request for hallohellohola

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Sophie's POV:-

It was a beautiful summer day and I was riding my bike on the streets, on my way to pick up some breakfast. 

I hum while riding and looking around at the sights the city had to offer. Then I see a younger boy riding a bike as well, but he seemed distracted and not in control of his brakes. I move away from him and swerve right in time, but he screams and ends up slamming right into me.

I fall off from my bike and yelp in pain as I feel something crack inside me. For a minute, I was overcome with pain. I saw stars. 

Then I heard a kind voice with a British accent. "Love? Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

I groan in response. 

"Can you open your eyes for me? I'm Harry, I'm a Doctor, I'm gonna help you."

I open my eyes with great difficulty to meet beautiful emerald ones and a very handsome face.

Am I dreaming? Have I died and reached heaven?

A little smile comes to his face as he reaches his hand to lay on my cheek, his thumb gently pulling down under my eye to examine my eyes. 

"What's your name love?"

"S-Sophie.", I cough. My chest felt tight.

"Sophie, can you tell me where you're hurting?"

I point to my chest, still too dazed.

"Okay. The hospital I work in is down the street, I'm going to take you there and help you, is that alright Sophie?"

I nod. 

He notices the fear in my eyes and gently pats my cheek. "Nothing to be scared of, I really am a Doctor, not going to kidnap you or anything. You seemed to have taken the fall hard, and I just want to help you."

"O-Okay.", I squeak out.

"I'm going to pick you up, and take you to my car, it's just down the street so I don't think we need an ambulance."

I nod again and his soft hands go under my body, picking me up gently. The movement hurt and I cry out. 

"I'm sorry darling. Hang in there for me."

By the time we get to the hospital, I can barely breathe. He lays me down on an ER bed, and shouts orders to nurses, I keep going in and out.

I wince when I feel a small pinch of the IV he warned me about. "It's's done.", he comforts, patting my arm gently. He puts the buds of his stethoscope in his ears and the bell on my chest. His eyebrows furrow in concentration and his face didn't look too good. 

"May I feel your ribs, Sophie?", he asks and I hum, his gloved hands going to gently feel but I still whine in pain. Some nurse had changed me into a hospital gown. 

Then I feel like I couldn't even breathe at all, the little breaths I was taking was also cut off.

"H-Harry.", I gasp for air. "I-I can't, b-breathe."

"It's gonna be okay love... I'm gonna be doing something to help you breathe better, but it's going to hurt a lot alright?" He takes my hand and squeezes it. "I have to put in a chest tube, your ribs are broken and collapsed, restricting your breathing. I promise you'll feel better after I do it, but it's going to hurt now."

"Do it.", I choke out.

He nods and tells something to the nurses. He lifts my arm and lays it straight above my head then moves my gown so the skin on my side is visible to him. I feel something cold swipe on my body and focus on trying to breathe.

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