Request for MarvelousMGS

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Y/N's POV:-

"That was a very productive day!", Niall, your boyfriend says, as he collapses into bed. You laugh and agree. You both were out all day, doing fun things. You went for a football game! Now you were finally back home, still in the rush and thrill of everything. 

"Come here!", Niall whines, putting his hands towards you like a little baby.

"Hold on, let me finish my night time routine!"

"But I wanna cuddle! I'm sleepy!"

"You big baby.", you giggle, and Niall pouts at you. He's so cute, no wonder why you fell for him. You have been dating for around six-seven months now. 

Once you finish your night time routine, you join Niall in bed, and he immediately engulfs you inside the blanket. "I'm a monster, gah!", he growls in your ear playfully.

"Ahh let me goo!", you play along, wiggling. 

"Never!!", he rumbles in a monster voice which sends you giggling and rolling around so you could face him. You cup his cheeks and kiss him.

"Mm...hi there.", he hums, giggling too. 

Whenever you two are together, you giggle for no apparent reason, which makes your friends mad when they're around but you don't care.

"I had a nice day with you.", you whisper against his lips.

"So did I, pretty girl.", he strokes his thumb on your cheek and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. "I love you so much Y/N."

"I love you too Ni.", you wrap your arms around his torso and rest your head on his chest. He kissed your forehead, and rubbed your back in circles, which relaxed you, and soon you both fell asleep in each other's arms. 

You wake up in the middle of the night, sweating and panting. You feel like you can't breathe. You feel like a heavy rock is kept on your chest, and it hurts more than anything you've felt before. 

Yes you've had chest pains before. You've been having them since a month or two, but these days they occur more frequently. It goes away within minutes, so you didn't tell Niall, or make a big deal out of it. Funny, because he's a Cardiologist. 

You try to breath as much as you can, but the pain doesn't go away, and it travels to your neck as well.

"Love? You okay?", Niall murmurs, tossing around in his sleep.

He hears you wheeze, and his eyes shoot open to look at you, hand flying to your hip. "Y/N?"

You start sobbing, because you don't know what's going on.

"Hey, hey princess.", he gushes, sitting up quickly and turning the night lamp on. "What's going on? Did you have a bad dream hm?", he cups your cheeks, and your hands grab his, squeezing tight. 

"I-I can't b-breathe-", you choke out. 

"Shh...hey, look at me, you're okay baby, it'll be okay, try to take some breaths for me, you can do it.", he coaxes, pulling you into his chest. You clutch your chest and shake in his arms, trying your best to get some air in. 

"Your chest hurts baby?", he questions, taking your hand clutching at your chest to hold it and you nod. 

He frowns, but notices your breathing is getting better, and repeatedly kisses your head. "That's darling, doing so good."

The pain was going away, like every time. It was just long enough to wake Niall up this time.

"Are you okay?", Niall asks, worry written all over his face. 

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