Request for thumperglow

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Louis' POV:-

"Babe come on we're getting late!!", my boyfriend called, as I quickly put my shoes on. We had a little bit of morning fun, if you know what I mean, so we did everything late today. We shoved down breakfast, and got ready as soon as we could. I have to get to work, and Harry has approximately fifteen minutes before his first appointment. He's a dentist.

I get the shivers just hearing the word, but I have nothing against his profession being that, I fell in love with him, and he's a kind soul who always helps people.

"Let's go!", I say as I get into the car and Harry starts the car.

"We shouldn't have stayed up late.", he says, chuckling.

"Oh come on, this is fun. Rushing and all.", I say, reaching to kiss his cheek. He laughed and agreed. Harry dropped me off and then went to his clinic. 

I felt some soreness in my mouth and winced, running my tongue over the spot. Did something happen when I wolfed down breakfast? Coming to think of it, I have been feeling a bit of sensitivity in the past few days.

I shrug it off and continue with my work. While eating my lunch, I felt a pang of pain as I took the first bite and I yelped, clutching my cheek.

"What happened?", my co worked asked.

"Nothing, just bit my cheek."

I couldn't eat much. I go to the bathroom and open my mouth, trying to find out what's wrong. I froze seeing a black spot in one of my bottom molars. That has to be a cavity. Oh no.

I had a really bad experience when I had a cavity before. The dentist started drilling before I was numb, and I felt all the pain. Since then I've been terrified to go to the dentist. Harry, convinced me once, and I let him clean my teeth but that's it.

I can't let him know that I have a cavity. He would surely want to fix it.

I take some painkillers, and Harry picks me up from work, then we go home. He kept talking about his day and my mind was off, thinking about what to do about my cavity. 

"Lou are you listening? What's wrong?", Harry stole a look at me as he drove.

"Nothing Haz, sorry, just tired."

He frowned. "Okay, we'll be home soon love."

We got dinner on the way and reach home. After we both freshen up, we have dinner. Of course the pain intensifies and I can barely chew.

"Louis..something's wrong, you're not eating.", Harry said. "You don't like the food?"

"No, it's good."


"I wanna go to bed Harry, I'm tired.", I repeat, and he grabbed my hand as i tried to get up. 

"But you're always so hungry after work..wait, do you have a toothache?"


He smiled. "You do, don't lie."

"Just leave me alone I'm fine Ha-"

"-When were you gonna tell me?"

"I noticed it only today.", I decide to give in and sigh.

"You didn't tell me, I could help you love. I could have made an appointment for you, why did you have to go through the entire day in pain?"

"Because I don't want you to help me. I'll just take some painkillers and go to bed."

"Uh huh no you won't. Let me have a look first. Just painkillers aren't going to do anything, Lou, if you leave the problem, it's only going to get worse. You know I won't hurt you or do anything without telling you."

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