Request for rachelstalley

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You wince as you take a sip of your juice. Ugh, even juice is starting to hurt. You have been having a really bad toothache since a long time now but you don't want to have it looked at it because you are scared.

"Y/N, I'm going to tell your mum to make you an appointment.", your best friend said.

"No! I'm fine, I'm fine.", you quickly said and she rolled her eyes. "Right. You can't even eat properly since two days! Please Y/N, for me, go to a dentist! They're not gonna kill you! Do you want me to go with you?"

"No....I'll be fine by myself.", you say. She smiled and hugged you. "I'll tell you the one I go to, there are three doctors there, you might get any one but they're all good I've heard. Tell your mom to make one there."

You nod and your mom gladly made you an appointment there, for tomorrow. She couldn't come with you though as she had work, she dropped you and you would call her when you're done.

You checked yourself in at the receptionist, then sitting on the waiting chairs, bouncing your knee nervously. You watched the little girl and her mum next to you, the mother trying to distract her, from probably what she will being going through.

"Jade?", you heard and saw a black haired guy in scrubs walking out of one of the three rooms down the hallway.

Jade, the little girl, seemed to like this doctor cause she smiled. "Hello!!!", the doctor said leaning down to scoop her up into his arms. "Hi Doctor Zaynie!", she said. "Good to see you Jade, Hi Mrs. Simmons, you can follow me.", he said before starting to walk down the hallway with the kid.

"Harry's.", the receptionist said, as Doctor Zaynie asked her something. I think it was about me. "Oh.", he nodded and they disappeared into his room.

Two minutes later, I looked up from my phone as I heard my name. "Miss Y/N?"

Is this a dental practice for attractive dentists? You thought as you looked at the curly haired, green eyed, man walking to you.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Styles, but you can call me Harry.", he introduced, giving you his hand to shake as you got up. "Come on.", he said turning around on his heel as you only nodded and you followed the tall man to a room.

"Take a seat Y/N, how are you doing today?", Harry asked as he sat behind his desk and you shakily sat on the dental chair. 

"I'm o-okay."

He looked at you. "Are you nervous?"

You nodded. "I-I'm kinda scared of the d-dentist."

He smiled another charming smile. "Do I look scary to you?", he asked and you smiled softly, shaking your head. He chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm gonna take good care of you. For now, I'm just gonna ask you some questions since it's your first time here and we'll take some x rays. We'll see from there alright?"

"Okay." You take a breath and nod.

"Great, tell me your full name love."

It went from there, he asked you questions about your dental history. Then he took the x rays, which you found okay since there were no scary tools involved.

When he began reclining your chair back you started panicking.

"Honey, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you.", Harry cooed, keeping his gloved hand on ours. "Take some deep breaths for me." He held your hand and kept eye contact with you, taking the deep breaths with you. 

"Good. We started this clinic, two of my mates and I to help people who are scared. You can trust me, Y/N. We can go at your pace. I'm just going to use my mirror and my probe to take quick look at what's bothering you, that's all. Can we do that love?"

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