Your Love is Standing Next to Me

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- GA S7 Episode 2
- GA Webisode: Seattle Grace: A Message of Hope

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It was still dark when Eric woke up. He took a deep breath in, taking in the cold, quiet morning. The only light coming through the attic was the light from the lamppost outside, shining through the attic's one small window. That was enough for him to make out the shape of the cardboard boxes at the corner of the room, the dresser at the foot of the bed and the shape of her back as she lay sleeping beside him. Eric yawned and rubbed his eyes with his free hand before abruptly stopping as his movement caused Lexie to stir. He shifted his gaze to her, who was soundly sleeping on his arm. Her arms were tucked against her chest, feeling the chill of the morning. Lexie groaned before drawing closer to him, burying her face in his chest and enjoying his warmth.

Stay. Don't go. That was all Lexie had to say to convince Eric to follow her to her room after the wedding. The two quietly slipped away upstairs, while everyone else was busy congratulating the newlyweds, hoping no one would notice. Along the way, he reminded himself that his mother raised him to be a gentleman, an old-fashioned, who wouldn't just walk into any woman's room on their first date (not like the wedding could be considered a date), but Lexie wasn't just any other woman and Eric wouldn't pass up the chance to finish what the two of them started in the kitchen.

Eric couldn't help but smile as he watched her sleep, a smirk developing as an occasional snore escaped her lips. His gaze moved along while his fingers hovered over her, slowly tracing the shape of her wearing his dress shirt, from her hips, up her shoulder, along her long neck until he stopped on her shapely lips. That's when his fingers inavertedly brushed over her lower lip. Her lips parted in response to his touch. Lexie murmured, a faint and pleasant hum that warmed his cheeks. Eric drew his hand away. Feeling her breath against his chest sent chills chasing up his back, fighting the urge to kiss her.

Lexie's eyebrows suddenly knit together, followed by a whimper. Her face soured. Lexie suddenly tightened her grip on the blanket. Eric noticed it and mirrored her expression. He placed his index finger in the middle of her crooked brows; and slowly, Lexie's frown relaxed. He brushed his fingers through her hair, prompting her to take slow, deep breaths, calming her.

After she had calmed, Lexie shifted, her back facing Eric. Erick drew the blanket back around her and was startled when she clutched his arm. She pulled his arm down, embracing it tightly with both her hands. Eric chuckled softly as he slowly laid back on the bed. Lexie cuddled up against him as he drew her in closer. Eric kissed the top of her head before shutting his eyes and falling asleep again.

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Second Floor - Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital

"You can't be serious?!" Richard yelled through the phone, pacing down the hall in front of the board room. His irritation were obvious from his knitted eyebrows. "Are you sure this is right? What do you mean, transferred?"He massaged his thumping forehead. "You think I don't know what happened in this hospital?! I had a gun, pointed at me young man, you — I can't just have s-seven interns?!"

Richard looked around the corridor, realizing his voice had gotten a little too loud, and noticed some hospital staff immediately diverting their gazes as he glanced around.

"Then do something about it; you're the admissions manager, not me!"

Richard grumbled and stomped his foot in frustration as he hung up the phone. He shoved his phone back into his pocket, cursing aloud. He turned to face the boardroom door and took a big breath, calming himself down before entering the room and proceeding to his morning appointment.

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