Part 8

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The trip through Diagon Alley was quick, them only stopping to get her a couple of dark robes. Hecate quickly changed out of her pathetic muggle clothing before they went down Knockturn Alley, an offshoot alley of of Diagon.

"We'll get your wand here, then once the Volkovs have custody, they will take you to get the rest of your supplies. I hope that is acceptable?"

Hecate gave the man her most innocent smile. "But of course. Why wouldn't it be, Headmaster?" The man shivered slightly, but didn't reply.

The first thing that Hecate noticed about Knockturn Alley was how thickly it was covered in grime. The next thing she noticed was how many people were just lurking in the shadows looking sinister. The young witch pretended that she hadn't noticed them, though she walked with a bit more confidence.

The duo stopped in front of a worn down looking shop called Reninter's Custom Wands. Hecate wrinkled her nose as they entered the dilapidated shop. "Temmino, we are in need of a wand for this young lady here. Can you help us?"

A dry chuckle came from the back of the store. "It's not a question of if I can, Igor. It's a question of if I will."

"Come, Temmino, won't you help a friend in need?"

"You aren't a friend. You're a traitor, Igor Karkoff. You completely abandoned the cause when He died. Not only that, but you started turning the rest of us." An older man snarled walking out of the shadows.

Hecate saw that this wasn't getting anywhere and decided to intervene. "I assume that you are Mr. Reninter, sir? My name is Hecate Potter and I am in dire need of a wand. I understand that you are upset that Headmaster Karkoff turned on the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort, but that has nothing to do with me."

The man gave her a once over. "You're the reason that the Dark Lord is gone."

Hecate snorted. "There's no chance he's dead; no way an infant killed the greatest dark wizard in nearly two centuries. I might be powerful, but no one is that strong. I was just there. I didn't do anything."

The man stared at her for a moment. She looked back at him, her face unreadable. He sighed before turning around and walking back to the place he came from. "I'll get the materials."

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