Part 14

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Ok, so, I initially made a mistake last chapter and had Viktor be a fourth year, but then realized he wouldn't be the same year as the twins (which is a plot point for me) if he was a fourth year. When he's a fourth year a Durmstrang, the twins will be third years, and since the twins are only two grades above Harry, I had to redo my math. Krum is now a third year, with the first years pairing with third.

"I think that's everything. Can you think of anything else that we need to cover, Ekaterina?"

The eighth year student shook her head. "I can't think of anything else right now. I'll let you know if I think of something else. We can call another meeting if that happens. Nothing to worry over."

Karkoff nodded. "True that is. Since that's everything, you're all dismissed. Viktor, if you'll pair up with Miss. Potter-Volkov for this year, it would be much appreciated."

"Of course Headmaster Karkoff." The eight students exited the room swiftly. "Heir Potter-Volkov, if you would follow me, I'll show you to the first years' quarters."

Hecate cracked a small smile. "Much obliged, Heir Krum." As they split off from the other representatives, the other six smiled amongst themselves.

"This will be good for Viktor. Perhaps he'll make a new friend this year. That would greatly benefit the school as a whole," Aleksander said.

"That it will," Selena agreed.

Back with Viktor and Hecate

"So, Heir Potter-Volkov, if you don't mind me asking, how did you wind up part of the Volkov family?"

The girl smiled. "They adopted me from the orphanage that my relatives dumped me in at age three. I have the Headmaster to thank for convincing them to adopt me."

"I see. That was very kind of him."

"That it was. To be fair though, I practically guilted him into doing it, but that's just between you and me."

Viktor smiled. "I see. Anyway, how far through the course did you make it?"

Hecate's smile grew into a feral grin. "All the way. I had to make sure there was no chance for anyone to beat me. After all, I'm the obvious choice for strongest in the class."

"Why do you consider yourself the obvious choice?"

"Simple," she shrugged. "I'm the sole heir to the Potter Family Magic, as well as being blood adopted into the Volkov family. I have the innate magic of wizards four times my age."

"Oh," was Viktor's reply.

Hecate glanced around her as they continued down the hall. "So, why do we have so many swords hanging from the walls of the school?" she inquired.

Heir Krum chuckled. "It is one of the safety mechanisms built into Durmstrang. Should the school ever be attacked, Headmaster Karkoff knows a spell to make all of these weapons defend us. It actually seems like it would be quite useful."

"I see..." Hecate said in turn.

"Well, here are the first year dormitories. Your room will be at the end of the hall. Oh, and you will be rooming by yourself since you won the role of representative."

The brunette nodded. "Thank you, Heir Krum. I appreciate your assistance."

"Of course, Heir Potter-Volkov. And, please, call me Viktor."

"In that case, I suppose I will allow you to call me Hecate."

"Very well. Goodnight, Hecate."

The girl smiled. "Goodnight Viktor."

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