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Chapter 141 Unbreakable comrade-in-arms relationship

Hearing He Xun's footsteps walking out of the courtyard, the courtyard door closed with a creak, and then locked, Lin Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

The surrounding environment was completely quiet, but Lin Yin's heart did not calm down. She rubbed her wrist, which was held by He Xun with some pain, and unconsciously, He Xun's firmness and perseverance when he confessed to her appeared in her mind.

A handsome and strong man, so determined and persistent to form an unbreakable comrade-in-arms relationship with her, she will definitely be a little joyful and awkward.

But how should she choose?

Should I promise him and try to be in a relationship with him, or should I continue to focus on the production team and work hard to improve the level of agricultural skills?

According to Lin Yin's original plan, she wanted to work hard in the production team, strive to raise the agricultural skill level to 10 as soon as possible, and then find a way to enter the city and find a stable job. After that, together with Xiaoxia, the two sisters lived happily ever after. A stable life.

Xu Shi has endured too many hardships in the previous life, and in this life, Lin Yin just wants to earn money, eat and drink, and live a relaxed life.

The matter of marriage was really not listed in her plan...

So Lin Yin had some insomnia that night. She was considering whether to include dating and marriage in her future life plan, and at the same time, is He Xun really a good candidate for marriage?

The most direct consequence of insomnia in the middle of the night is that the spirit is not very good the next morning.

When He Xun came with breakfast, Lin Yin had just woken up.

Teacher Cui got up earlier. When He Xun came over, she had already boiled the water in the kitchen.

The breakfast that He Xun brought was steamed buns. Meat cabbage packs of four each. Eating a bun and drinking some hot water is convenient and practical.

After Mr. Cui placed the steamed buns and hot water on the dining table, he greeted Lin Yin who was standing in the yard: "Yinzi, come over to eat quickly, we have to go to the station to catch the train after eating." Lin Yin had trouble sleeping last night , I was a little late this morning, and I was standing in the yard combing my hair.

The hairstyles of girls in this era are very uniform, either one braid, or two braids, or they can cut their hair short and cut it into a student's head.

Lin Yin's hairstyle is two braids. Combing it is a little troublesome, but who made her suffer from a terminal illness in a previous life, and her black hair was tossed away early. She is very happy to have a hair comb in this life, how can she think it is a mistake to comb her hair.

At this moment, Lin Yin heard Teacher Cui call for dinner, and quickly brushed the braid in her hands, then went into the room and sat down at the dining table.

Teacher Cui took a big meat bun and put it in the bowl in front of Lin Yin, and pushed the cup of plain water in front of Lin Yin, urging: "Eat it quickly, it will be cold later."

Lin Yinying sighed and started eating.

He Xun had already eaten breakfast, and now he was sitting at the dining table with Teacher Cui and Lin Yin, watching Lin Yin eat softly, and said casually, "The provincial capital's international The foreign-made shampoo in the store is very good, I'll have someone bring a bottle back later."

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