20. Kaito Doesn't Like School

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1017 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written January 18 2022
Posted February 5 2022

Much to Kaito's great dismay and embarrassment, Saguru had easily carried him up the stairs before carefully setting him down to go fetch his wheelchair. The guy had lifted him up like it was nothing! Sure Aoko could carry him quite easily... But it still made him feel embarrassed since his small stature was mainly to blame for how easy he was to carry.

"I should have pestered Keibu until he gave me back my crutches" Kaito lamented. His arm felt fine, only a bit sore when pressure was applied. Unfortunately the main sore spots were where his crutches were usually attached to his arms.

"I'm sure that the inspector was only thinking about your health" Saguru stated as he watched Kaito situate himself in his wheelchair. Lapin had informed him on how the other's arm had gotten injured. It had been an easily avoided injury where both parties were to blame for it.

"We're late, and we're going to attract too much attention" Kaito grimaced. He didn't want everyone's attention to be on them.

"Hakuba can go in ahead and we could slip in while everyone's attention is on the new student" Lapin suggested, new students often garnered a lot of attention. The blond was also good looking so he'd garner more attention than normal. The tiny sleuth eyed the carrying compartments on the other's wheelchair "I could be snuck in if I'm hidden. Then when we're in the back of the classroom, I could come out" He really didn't want to be smothered in attention either.

Saguru nodded at the idea "That would work"

"I hope it does" Kaito didn't like school. It was strange to think about how he'd once been upset that he'd probably never be able to go. The learning stuff was neat, but he'd already learned the curriculum and classmates were annoying to deal with.

So with plan in mind, Saguru strides towards the classroom door, movements wide and eye-catching without looking strange. He stepped inside and began to introduce himself with a high air of confidence that just made people pay attention to him.

Kaito's eyes widened, having not expected the sudden shift. With how everyone was paying attention to the newcomer, he quietly but swiftly wheeled himself inside. He was grateful that he took well enough care of the wheelchair that it didn't make any noise as it rolled. The motor was near silent, easily thought off as background noise. When he was in the back of the class, Lapin hopped out of the carrying compartment and settled himself down on a nearby stool.

It took around 10 minutes for class to restart. Saguru took a seat, Kaito remained in his wheelchair, not needing to take any notes, and Lapin was paying strict attention to the calculus lesson. The tiny sleuth was eager to catch up and not fall too behind of his peers. Sure Kaito could edit his records when everything was over, but it wouldn't be the same.

Class couldn't end quick enough for Kaito, but thankfully all of his classes before lunch were on the same floor so he could go to them with relative ease. He managed to not get cornered until he was stuck at the top of the stairs.

"It's been so long since I've seen you, Kaito" Momoi Keiko, Aoko's best friend, stated with a smile. She had medium length brown hair held up in pink bows on both sides of her head. Her pink framed glasses looked to be slightly newer than the last time he'd seen her.

"I want to go home" Kaito replied, glad that the girl at least remembered that he preferred to be called by his first name. That reminded him, he needed to inform Saguru about that.

Keiko's shoulders drooped, seeing the obvious dismissal as what it was "Well I hope you get home safely" She replied awkwardly before hurrying off.

"That was really rude of you" Lapin observed, somewhat surprised that the other had dismissed her so easily. He spotted Aoko and went off to join her. He would join her classes as planned.

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