22. An Obvious Film Choice

117 14 6

1018 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~

Written February 6 2022
Posted February 19 2022

NEXT UPDATE is on March 5 2022

Aoko just sighed in exasperation when she walked in and smelt all of the baking scents. She turned towards the two males "I hope you both are hungry" Kaito had most likely gone overboard like he usually did when it came to baking. Her brother was especially fond of sweet things, especially when they came in the form of baked goods right out of the oven.

Saguru nodded "I will admit to being somewhat hungry" During the walk back to the Nakamori household, Aoko had informed him and Lapin about a few things about Kaito. The wheelchair bound teen was very socially awkward, he just did what he could to hide it.

"Is he trying to bribe us with sweets?" Lapin inquired incredulously as he removed his shoes. Kaito hadn't cooked at all in the time that he'd been here. He hadn't believed the girl when she'd told them that there was a good chance that they'd return to some sort of food having been made for them.

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Aoko nodded "He's trying to befriend you two and his experience is limited to what he's seen on TV and in books. He has zero experience when it comes to friendship with people our age instead of adults" Her dad was going to be annoyed when he found out that Kaito had baked without supervision "Food is generally seen as a safe offering"

Lapin snickered "Food is usually good" It was oddly adorable of Kaito and he'd tease him if he wasn't sure that Aoko wouldn't approve. Kaito also seemed to be the kind of person that would retreat if he got too embarrassed.

"I'll make sure to thank him" Saguru breathed as he followed Aoko into the living room. While Kaito's offer had been a surprise, he was genuinely pleased that the other wanted to spend time with him outside of case or school related stuff. In London, very few people his own age interacted with him much. It was probably his own fault for missing so much school in favour of working on cases.

"Kaito! We're back!" Aoko called, smirking when she saw the unreasonable amount of cupcakes on the coffee table. Yeah, Kaito had cooked way too much. They were probably now out of both milk and eggs, she'll have to message her dad to pick some up on his way home. There was a small clatter before Kaito replied.

"I'll be right down!"

Aoko smiled "Take a seat, I'll prepare the drinks, any preferences?" She inquired, mainly to Saguru since she already knew that Lapin would request coffee.

"Any tea will do" Saguru offered.

"Coffee please" Lapin still couldn't get over his joy of being allowed to consume coffee once again. Having Ran take it from him had been horrible, coffee was vital and an essential part of his life.

Kaito was rolling up to them a few minutes later, a bunch of movie cases packed into his wheelchair's bags "You guys can pick what we watch" He hurriedly distributed the cases to them to check out.

Lapin eyed Kaito curiously, he seemed to be in a much brighter mood than before, and if he wasn't stuck in his wheelchair, he could almost imagine the guy bouncing around. As it was, he was wringing his hands together. The tiny sleuth checked out the DVDs, azure lighting up when he realized that everything was about Sherlock Holmes. Where had Kaito been hiding these things?!

"I hadn't expected you to be this much of a fan" Saguru mused "Not that I'm complaining or anything, your collection is impressive" Who was he to complain about there being too much Sherlock Holmes? There could never be too much Sherlock Holmes in his eyes, it was a magnificent classic! Saguru perked up as he realized that most of the movies had an English option except for the ones specifically made in Japan "Do you know English?" He wasn't sure if he'd ever asked him the question before.

Kaito nodded "I know many languages, it's good for researching stuff that doesn't originate in Japan" That and having a lot of free time had given him an ample amount of time to learn stuff when he'd been on his own.

"I'm not perfectly fluent, but my English is decent" Lapin added. There was no way that he'd learned every English word that existed, but he knew the common ones and law related terms.

"We can watch it in English with Japanese subtitles for Aoko" Kaito smiled "Aoko watches foreign things with me off and on"

"That would be ideal" Saguru paused "But I was wondering if we can try this one out, I haven't been able to get my hands on it for myself yet" The blond showed one of the Japan manufactured Sherlock Holmes anime sets. It was called Sherlock, a very unoriginal name but one that worked for something involving Sherlock Holmes.

Lapin eyed the set "I think I've seen bits and pieces of it" It was a newer show and Ran had forbidden him from watching it since it contained a fair amount of blood. That had annoyed him, he saw blood often and Ran had known that.

Kaito grinned "I've been meaning to watch it, but stuff just kept on coming up" So he'd purchased the DVDs the moment they went on sale.

"Oh we're watching that?" Aoko inquired, holding a tray that had everyone's drinks on them. She'd made chocolate milk for herself and Kaito "Aoko really enjoyed it!"

"So the one who isn't a huge Sherlock Holmes fan is the only one to have seen it..." Kaito snickered, ignoring how Aoko had used his special chocolate milk powder that was meant for him and only him. He'd let it slide just this once. Aoko had her own special drink mix.

They all thanked Aoko for their respective drinks. Kaito left his on the coffee table as he awkwardly dragged himself up onto the couch, using his hands to position his legs so that they were pressed against his chest. It was a comfy position that he often enjoyed.

Since Kaito had already gotten comfy, Aoko was the one to start the movie.

Me: Sherlock Holmes was the obvious choice for them~ 

Gah... Why was I so sleepy as I wrote this. I didn't even stay up past 11 to read or watch anything

Comment? ^-^

*Kitty is being cute and adorable* Awww >~<

*Leans over to give Kitty a smooch on the head*....

QAQ *Static activates* I'm sorry!

Winter is not good for cats QAQ even simple nose to nose touches can cause static. I love nuzzling Kitty >^<

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